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Word of the Day


Definition: (noun) An object worn, especially around the neck, as a charm against evil or injury.
Synonyms: talisman
Usage: It was sorcery, magic of the worst kind, thought Buldeo, and he wondered whether the amulet round his neck would protect him.
Article of the Day


Buzkashi is a traditional Central Asian team sport in which players on horseback try to grab the carcass of a headless goat or calf and pitch it across a goal line or into a target circle or vat. Although it is known as a popular Afghani sport, Buzkashi began as a sport of the steppes, a vast, prairie-like ecoregion of Eurasia, and remains a popular game throughout the region. Games can last for several days, and competition is fierce. How is the animal carcass prepared before a game? More...
Daily Grammar Lesson

Adverbial Adjuncts

Adjuncts are usually adverbs or adverbial phrases that help modify and enrich the context of verbs in the sentence. What is the adverbial adjunct in the following sentence? "She walked to the park slowly." More...
Idiom of the Day

be in with a chance

To have a good chance or high probability of doing or accomplishing something. Primarily heard in UK. More...

This Day in History

Hubble Space Telescope Launched (1990)

The Hubble Space Telescope is the most sophisticated optical observatory ever placed into orbit around Earth, able to view star material some 10 to 12 billion light years away. Because it is above Earth's obscuring atmosphere, it can obtain images that are much brighter, clearer, and more detailed than ground-based telescope images. Although a defect in the primary mirror initially caused it to produce fuzzy images, a 1993 shuttle mission fixed this. What are some of Hubble's most famous images? More...
Today's Birthday

William Joyce (1906)

Born in the US and taken to the UK as a child, Joyce became involved with the fascist movement as a teen and fled to Germany before the outbreak of WWII. He remained there throughout the war, broadcasting Nazi propaganda in English from Berlin. He was captured by British soldiers in 1945 and, despite his American birth, was deemed subject to British jurisdiction because he held a British passport. He was convicted of treason and hanged. What urban legends about Joyce circulated during the war? More...
Today's Holiday

Armenian Martyrs' Day (2024)

Armenian Martyrs' Day is a day of remembrance for the one million Armenians who died in the Turkish massacre of 1915-16. On April 24, 1915, Turks arrested Armenian political and intellectual leaders in Istanbul, killing 250 of them. That was the start of deportations, forced marches in the desert, rapes, and imprisonments that killed half the Armenian population in Turkey. Armenian communities throughout the world observe this day. In the United States, many state governors issue proclamations of remembrance; there are also special services in Armenian churches. More...
Quote of the Day
Love is invisible, and comes in and goes out as he likes, without anyone calling him to account for what he does.
Miguel de Cervantes
Grammar Quiz
Word Trivia

Today's topic: passion

acokoinonia - Sex without passion or desire. More...

excandescence - The state of being glowing hot, anger or passion. More...

incense - Once meant to kindle any passion, good or bad. More...

wrangle - To wrangle can mean "to scream with passion." More...

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