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#Aalman   Spécificités : Bibliothèque (Caritas)
Prix moyen du terrain (Land average price):
  - Sur voie principale (main road):  $ /m²
  - Sur voie secondaire (minor road):   $ /m²
  - Hors voie (out of road): 5 $ /m²
Iqlim El Kharroub Nord
(Amik, amiq, aammik)

Monuments : couvent de l'ange mikhaël, ruines de moulins
Environnement : forêts de pins et de chênes
Maison d'hôte et aire de camping : couvent St Michel
03 275113 / 05 280160/ 05 340160
Restaurants : Janat el Wadi (L'éden de la vallée)
03 780446 / 03 283838 / 03867740


Origine et signification du nom : Nom d’origine syriaque, Aatrine désigne aussi bien la richesse que le parfum.

Situation géographique : Située dans la partie centrale du caza du Chouf (mohafazat du Mont-Liban) et à 3,5 kilomètres de Beiteddine, son chef-lieu, Aatrine, perchée entre 750 et 1000 mètres d’altitude, est bordée au nord par le village de Semqaniyé, par celui de Kahlouniyé à l’est, par Gharifé au sud et par Mazraat ech Chouf sur son flanc ouest.

Population :Aatrine compte 611 résidents, mais on y dénombre 1666 habitants recensés, et 958 électeurs.

Spécificités : Sa nature verdoyante et ses montagnes environnantes boisées de fourrés et d’oliviers en font un lieu de promenade fort agréable.


Origine et signification du nom : D’origine araméenne, le nom Aïn Bal signifie « l’œil divin ».

Situation géographique : Située à 50 kilomètres au sud de Beyrouth dans la montagne du Chouf, et à 7 kilomètres de Beiteddine, son chef-lieu de caza, Aïn Bal jouxte les localités de Baaqline au nord-ouest, Gharifé au sud, Aatrine à l’est et Mazraat ech Chouf au sud-est.
D’une superficie de 370 hectares, Aïn Bal est juchée à 850 mètres d’altitude.

Population : On dénombre à Aïn Bal 935 résidents, mais 2421 habitants y sont recensés, dont 1392 électeurs. La population de Aïn Bal compte un grand nombre d’universitaires. Ces derniers, généralement diplômés en ingénierie, émigrent souvent à l’étranger en quête de travail.

Spécificités : Aïn Bal se distingue par la beauté de son paysage environnant (de magnifiques collines verdoyantes), et par les nombreuses sources qui la traversent, parmi lesquelles Aïn Sahrij, Aïn Hazour, Aïn el Ouadi, Aïn er Rihané et Aïn Machtiyé.

Sites archéologiques : On compte un nombre important de grottes dans les alentours de Aïn Bal, ainsi que des ruines situées sur une colline surplombant le village, connue sous le nom de Kouroum el Qarya ou « Vignes du Village ».

Zone naturelle protégée (Bois)

#Ain El Haour
(Aain El Haour)
  Zone naturelle protégée (Bois)  
#Ain Kani
(Ain Qaniyé)

Aïn Qaniyé est une localité du caza du Chouf, située au sud-est de la ville de Beiteddine, à 830 mètres d’altitude. Elle s’étend sur plus de 155 hectares, et est distante de 12 kilomètres du centre administratif du caza, la ville de Beiteddine. Elle est située à 45 kilomètres du centre administratif de la mohafazat, la ville de Baabda, et à 50 kilomètres de la capitale Beyrouth.

On y dénombre près de 3500 habitants inscrits, dont 1100 électeurs. Son conseil municipal formé de 9 élus, est membre de la Fédération des Municipalités du Chouf El Aala (Le Haut Chouf).

Les habitants de Aïn Qaniyé travaillent dans le secteur agricole, et une partie d’entre eux est émigrée à l’étranger. La localité est réputée pour ses grands bâtiments d’époque.

Haut Chouf
(El Aala)
(Ain We Zein)

Hôpital de Ainwzein

Origine et signification du nom :Selon le livre des « Informations sur les bourgeois du Mont-Liban », le nom de Aïn Ouzaïn découlerait du mot d’origine syriaque « ain osé » désignant la lance, et plus exactement la pointe de la lance, et aurait été obtenu au terme d’une lente transformation sémantique. Le livre des « Noms des villes et villages libanais » suggère quant à lui que le mot se réfèrerait plutôt à « l’œil de l’oie ».

Situation géographique : D’une superficie de 500 hectares, le village de Aïn Ouzaïn(caza du Chouf, mohafazat du Mont-Liban) est perché à 1050 mètres d’altitude. Situé à une cinquantaine de kilomètres de la capitale Beyrouth et à 9 kilomètres de Beiteddine, son chef-lieu, il est accessible par les routes du Barouk, de Batloun, de Deir el Qamar-Kfar Nabrakh, de Jezzine-Moukhtara, de Baaqline ou encore de Beiteddine.

Population : Aïn Ouzaïn compte 935 résidents, mais 1597 habitants et 918 électeurs y sont recensés.
Le niveau scolaire de cette population est relativement élevé et nombreux sont ceux qui on suivi des études de médecine, de droit, de génie, ou qui travaillent dans l’enseignement ou encore dans le secteur des nouvelles technologies. La population active se répartit entre le secteur tertiaire (service public et secteur privé) et le secteur primaire (agriculture).

Spécificités : Juché à 1500 mètres d’altitude dans un cadre verdoyant, Aïn Ouzaïn se distingue par son style architectural, mélange de tradition et de modernisme. Lorsque l’on observe le village en amont, les toits de ses bâtiments soulignent sa présence en formant un horizon de tuiles rouges.
Le village regroupe un grand nombre d’associations éducatives, sociales et sanitaires dont l’« Association Sanitaire des Druzes », association privée la plus importante au niveau régional.

Sites archéologiques : Nombreux sont les vestiges archéologiques à Aïn Ouzaïn : on y trouve, entre autres, les traces du passage d’une antique source d’eau datant de l’époque phénicienne, des jarres romaines, des grottes et des cimetières anciens, d’anciennes tombes creusées dans la pierre, des pressoirs de caroubiers ou encore les vestiges d’une mosquée aujourd’hui disparue.

Zone naturelle protégée (Bois)

Prix moyen du terrain (Land average price):
   - Sur voie principale (main road):  $ /m²
   - Sur voie secondaire (minor road):  10 $ /m²
   - Hors voie (out of road): $ /m²

#Ain-Zhalta Monuments : ruines de l'ancien village Kafra, l'église protestante,les cimetières juifs, église Sainte Takla
Environnement : forêts de pins , les sources al qaah , safaa et el hallak, (
zone naturelle protégée des cèdres)
Aire de camping : se renseigner sur place
Restaurants : une dizaine dont Yammine
Hôtels : Victoria, Al Zoghby

Prix moyen du terrain (Land average price):
  - Sur voie principale (main road): 40 $ /m²
  - Hors voie (out of road): 6 $ /m²
Terrain à vendre
(aammatour, aamatour, amatour)
  Haut Chouf
(El Aala)

BAADARAN, ce village libanais tranquille veilleur sur une colline élevée et silencieuse est couronné par les pins et les chênes et serre dans ses bras d’immortels sites archéologiques relatant l’histoire des peuples les pieds foulant le sol du village et dont les maisons avec toit égayent les explorateurs de ce village. Sa population s’élève à 3500 individus.
BAADARAN était dans le temps une escale principale entre le nord du Sina, Palestine et les pays de Damas que les gens traversaient dans leurs commerces et guerres, et un trait d’union entre Sidon et les pays de Damas.
L’origine du terme BAADARAN est syriaque signifiant station ou cafétéria pour les troupes romaines en l’année 20 A.C au temps de Jules César durant sa guerre avec la reine Zanoubia Le village est aussi nommé la citadelle fortifiée ou la maison de secours et d’aide.
Baadarane s’élève de 1100 m de la surface de la mer avec une superficie de 8500000 m2, s’éloignant de 59 km de la capitale Beyrouth, de 20 km du centre-caza. Le village Al-Khraybe le borde au nord, Haret Gandel au sud, Marsti à l’est, le village Amatour à l’ouest accessible par la route.

Monuments :
*Khalwat Al-Qatalib (lieu de culte druze)
Située sur une colline au village de Ba'daran, cette Khalwat dont la date de construction remonte au XVème siècle est entourée d'un bois de chêne et d'arbousier et d'un oliveraie. Son architecture, d'une grande simplicité suit le style de construction islamique adopté en Orient. Elle est un lieu où les croyants viennent pour prier, recevoir l'instruction religieuse ou célébrer les manifestations spirituelles.
*Le sérail, l'église Saint élie
*Maison du cheikh Muhammad abou shakra.
*Rocher Abou mankoud
*Anciennes portes, tombes,maisons, pressoirs

Environnement : forêts de pins et zone protégée d'oiseaux migrateurs ainsi que deux sources

Haut Chouf
(El Aala)

Origine et signification du nom : ‎Si les légendes quant à l’origine du nom de Baaqline ne manquent pas, beaucoup s’accordent à dire qu’il proviendrait du syriaque et signifiait « maison de l’esprit » ou « maison aux deux esprits ». On raconte que les princes croisés auraient installé à l’emplacement stratégique de la municipalité actuelle de Baaqline un lutrin destiné à porter les livres de chant liturgique, d’où la signification mystique du nom de ce lieu.

Situation géographique : S’étendant sur une superficie de 1500 hectares et perchée à 800 mètres d’altitude, Baaqline est située à 2 kilomètres de Beiteddine, chef-lieu du caza du Chouf (Mohafazat du Mont-Liban), et à 45 kilomètres au sud de Beyrouth.

Population :  Baaqline compte 8294 résidents, mais 11459 habitants y sont recensés, dont 6588 électeurs.
Près d’un quart de ses habitants réside en fait dans la capitale au cours de l’année, ne séjournant à Baaqline que durant la saison estivale.

Histoire : Baaqline doit sa renommée à l’émir druze Fakhreddine (1585-1633), qui, allié aux maronites, devint le maître d’une grande partie du Liban et fut le premier à unifier le pays. Durant son règne, il ‎désigna Baaqline, devenue Cour de Justice, comme « centre de district du Chouf, de Aaley et de l’ouest », lui conférant ainsi un rôle central dans l’histoire du Chouf.

Spécificités : Baaqline accueille un hôpital et un dispensaire, une bibliothèque nationale, des banques, des écoles publiques et privées ainsi que de nombreux restaurants.

Monuments : anciens sarcophages et puit de l'époque des croisades, l'ancien sérail (1903 actuellement bibliothèque municipale), église Saint Elie 1752, Palais de la famille Hamadeh, le sérail de la famille Takieddine, la source 1890
Environnement : les 8 rivières et le fleuve des pigeons , forêts de chênes et de pins, le chêne de Lamartine (400 ans d'âge)
Aire de camping : Tiyn aammis, Ras al jamous
Restaurants : voir sur place
Hôtels : Chouf touristic complex 05 301273/303160

Prix moyen du terrain (Land average price):
  - Sur voie principale (main road):  $ /m²
  - Sur voie secondaire (minor road):  10 $ /m²
  - Hors voie (out of road):
Prix moyen appartement (Flat average price):  $ /m²
Prix moyen villa (Villa average price):  800 $ /m²



Origine et signification du nom : Extrait du syriaque, ce nom se rapporte au mot « jus ».

Situation géographique : Perchée à 1250 mètres d’altitude et s’étendant sur une superficie de 550 hectares, la localité de Baassir se situe à 33 kilomètres de Beiteddine, son chef-lieu, et à 34 kilomètres de Beyrouth. Le réseau routier de Jiyé-Barja la relie au littoral.

Population : On dénombre à Baassir 3317 résidents, mais le nombre d’habitants recensés, moins élevé, est de 3025 personnes, dont 1739 électeurs.
50 % de la population active ne travaille pas à Baasir même, l’autre moitié cumulant souvent des fonctions dans les secteurs secondaire ou tertiaire avec une petite activité agricole qui constitue un complément de ressources pour beaucoup de familles.

Spécificités : Les cultures en terrasses dessinent un magnifique panorama autour de Baassir. On y trouve essentiellement des oliviers, des vignes et des figuiers mais on y cultive aussi des céréales et des légumes.
Le village compte également des richesses archéologiques telles que des tombeaux troglodytiques (sarcophages et tombes) ou encore la fameuse fontaine de « Aïn ed Daya ».

Iqlim El Kharroub Nord
  Barja est un village de 15000 habitants. se posant sur une des colline du mont-liban, à 10 minute de la cote, elle se situe à 24 km au nord de saida et de 48 km au sud de beyrouth.

Prix moyen du terrain (Land average price):
  - Sur voie principale (main road):  $ /m²
  - Sur voie secondaire (minor road):   $ /m²
  - Hors voie (out of road):
Prix moyen appartement (Flat average price):  300 $ /m²
Iqlim El Kharroub Sud

(1650m, 48km from Beirut)

Barouk, a pleasant summer town with abundant springs. The Cedars of Barouk, reached from either Moukhtara or Barouk village, are smaller and younger than those of Bsharreh, but extremely beautiful and well cared for. Above the grove at the summit of the mountain there is a panoramic view overlooking the Beqaa valley. Another cedar grove can be found on Mount Maaser above the picturesque village of Maaser Esh-Shouf, reached via Deir el-Qamar, Bhamdoun or Moukhtara. Maaser, which means "presses" in Arabic, is known for its arak, an anise flavored grape alcohol. The mountaintop here also has a spectacular view that extends over much of the Beqaa. Together, the forests of Barouk, Maaser esh-Shouf and Ain Zhalta form a reserve of over two million cedar trees. More than 112 species of birds, 16 species of other trees and 24 species of wild mammals are also protected in this area, which accounts for five percent of Lebanon's territory.
Getting There ...
Head south from Beirut towards Damour passing through it and exiting the highway 2km away, heading east towards Deir el Qamar.  Continue your way until you reach Barouk

Le village est situé au pied de la montagne du même nom, qui est couverte de la magnifique forêt de cèdres. C'est un lieu très agréable de villégiature situé à 1170 mètres d'altitude et où se trouvent des sources abondantes, des chutes d'eau, des cascades, des restaurants....
zone naturelle protégée

Prix moyen du terrain (Land average price):
    - Sur voie principale (main road): 50 $ /m²
    - Hors voie (out of road): 15 $ /m²
Prix moyen appartement (Flat average price):   $ /m²
Prix moyen villa (Villa average price):  1000 $ /m²
#Bater     Haut Chouf
(El Aala)
#Beiteddine Prix moyen du terrain (Land average price):
    - Sur voie principale (main road):  $ /m²
    - Hors voie (out of road):  80 $ /m²
Prix moyen appartement (Flat average price):   $ /m²
Prix moyen villa (Villa average price):  300 $ /m²
#Bireh   El Harf
#Brih   El Harf

Boutmé (Boutmét ech Chouf) est une localité du caza du Chouf, située au sud-est de la ville de Beiteddine, sur un flanc de la Montagne du Barouk, à 950 mètres d’altitude. Elle s’étend sur plus de 200 hectares, et est distante de 10 kilomètres du centre administratif du caza, la ville de Beiteddine, de 45 kilomètres du centre administratif de la mohafazat, la ville de Baabda, et de 50 kilomètres de la capitale Beyrouth.

On y dénombre près de 1500 habitants inscrits, dont 900 électeurs. Son conseil municipal formé de 9 élus, est membre de la Fédération des Municipalités du Chouf El Aala (Le Haut Chouf).

Boutmé se distingue par la présence de vestiges archéologiques sur ses terres, tels que des sarcophages et des auges remontant à l’époque phénicienne, et elle abrite également des forêts de cèdres.
Haut Chouf
(El Aala)
#Dahr El Maghara
Dalhoun   Zone naturelle protégée (Bois)  
Prix moyen du terrain (Land average price):

  - Bord de plage (on the sea shore) : 350 $ /m²
  - Sur voie principale (main road): 100 $ /m²
  - Sur voie secondaire (minor road): 50 $ /m²
  - Hors voie (out of road): 25 $ /m²
Prix moyen appartement (Flat average price):  300 $ /m²
Prix moyen villa (Villa average price):  1000 $ /m²
La côte
#Daraya   Zone naturelle protégée (Bois)  
#Debbieh   Zone naturelle protégée (Bois)
Prix moyen du terrain (Land average price):
  - Sur voie principale (main road):  30 $ /m²
  - Sur voie secondaire (minor road):  15 $ /m²
  - Hors voie (out of road):
Deir Baba      
Deir Koucheh      
#Deir Dourit    

La mosquée : Située au centre du village de Deir El-Qamar, cette mosquée fut construite en 1493 (899 AH) par l'Émir Fakherdine Osman Ibn Younès près des pavillons historiques des émirs Maanites et Shéhabites et restaurée au 16ème siècle par l’émir Fakhreddine Maan 1er pour ses mercenaires musulmans. De forme rectangulaire, sa longueur atteint 21,39 m. et sa largeur 14,35 m. alors que son Minaret s'élève à 20,65 m. Elle contient des sculptures mamelouks, ottomanes et arabes, ainsi que des décorations en formes géométriques et des mouquarnas ornementées de sculptures et de sourates coraniques.
Le souk des cordonniers : situé au-dessus de la mosquée, une partie du souk a été restaurée vers la fin du siècle dernier.
La place publique ou Midane:  servait de champ de joute.
La fontaine du Midane : fut construite au 19ème siècle
Le souk de la soie ou Kaïssariyyé:  situé au nord du sérail fut construit en 1595 par Fakhreddine II. Ce khan de style classique était utilisé comme marché public notamment pour la soie et les pierres précieuses. La cour accueille aujourd’hui diverses activités culturelles et artistiques.
Le Kharj / c'est une construction massive, bâtie par Fakhreddine II en 1616. Il servait à l’origine de réserve de munitions, puis plus tard, sous Béchir III Chéhab (1840-1842), de dépôt de farine que l’émir distribuait à ses soldats. Le bâtiment est actuellement occupé par le Centre culturel et linguistique français.

La synagogue: au-dessus du Kharj se trouve une ancienne synagogue du 17ème siècle construite pour la communauté juive de DeirElQamar et dont certains membres influents étaient proches de l’émir de l’époque.
Deux autres monuments se situent à proximité du Midane. Le mausolée el-Kobbeh où reposent les restes des émirs Ahmed Maan (1662-1697) et Haïdar Chéhab (1706-1732). L’église Saïdet el-Tallé ou Notre-dame de la Colline, fut détruite et reconstruite à maintes reprises. L’actuelle structure remonte à l’époque de Béchir II Chéhab. L'église possède toujours la porte originelle dont le linteau supporte une rosace surmontée d’un croissant et d’une croix, symboles de DeirElQamar ou Monastère de la Lune. La fête de la vierge est célébrée le premier dimanche du mois d’août.

Prix moyen du terrain (Land average price):
  - Sur voie principale (main road):   $ /m²
  - Sur voie secondaire (minor road):  25 $ /m²
  - Hors voie (out of road):
5 $ /m²
Prix moyen appartement (Flat average price): 350 $ /m²

immobilier.htm#IMMODeir Al Kamar

Deir el-Moukhales  
Zone naturelle protégée (Bois)
#Fouara    <O>   El Harf


Prix moyen du terrain (Land average price):
    - Sur voie principale (main road):  $ /m²
    - Sur voie secondaire (minor road):  15 $ /m²
    - Hors voie (out of road):  $ /m²


Origine et signification du nom : Ce nom d’origine syriaque se réfère aux termes de « falaise » ou d’« étendue de montagnes ».

Situation géographique : Gharifé s’étend sur 1020 hectares et 250 mètres de dénivelé. Elle est située à 8 kilomètres de Beiteddine, chef-lieu du caza du Chouf, et à 56 kilomètres au sud de Beyrouth.
On peut s’y rendre par les routes de Damour-Baaqline ou de Deir el Qamar-Beiteddine si l’on vient de Beyrouth ou du nord, ou par la route de Ez Zaïné-Chhim qui la relie au Sud Liban.

Population : Gharifé compte environ 2860 résidents, mais 5491 habitants y sont recensés, dont 3157 électeurs. 60 % de la population de Gharifé vit à Beyrouth ou à l’étranger.

Spécificités : De hautes montagnes et des forêts vierges déclarées « réserves naturelles », entourent le village et rendent l’atmosphère agréable.
Cette localité est célèbre pour son huile d’olives provenant d’oliviers datant de l’époque romaine.
De plus, un fleuve nommé « fleuve aux pigeons » traverse le village ; on y trouve des objets archéologiques tels qu’un pont reliant le Chouf à Iqlim el Touffah, des meuneries de pierre et d’anciennes jarres romaines.

Haret Jandal  

Localité du caza du Chouf, située au sud-est de la ville de Beiteddine, sur le flanc oriental de la Montagne du Barouk, à 850 mètres d’altitude. Elle s’étend sur plus de 500 hectares, et est distante de 12 kilomètres du centre administratif du caza, la ville de Beiteddine, de 60 kilomètres du centre administratif de la mohafazat, la ville de Baabda, et de 65 kilomètres de la capitale Beyrouth.

On y dénombre près de 450 habitants inscrits, dont 300 électeurs. Son conseil municipal formé de 9 élus, est membre de la Fédération des Municipalités du Chouf El Aala (Le Haut Chouf).

Haret Jandal est une localité agricole, caractérisée par ses champs d’oliviers et ses vignobles, qui assurent la subsistance d’une partie de ses habitants

Haut Chouf
(El Aala)

Hasrout est une localité du caza du Chouf, située à 18 kilomètres au sud de la ville de Beiteddine, centre administratif du caza. Elle s’élève à 750 mètres d’altitude et s’étend sur une superficie de 3700 hectares. Elle est distante de 47 kilomètres du centre administratif de la mohafazat, la ville de Baabda, et de 45 kilomètres de la capitale Beyrouth.

On dénombre à Hasrout 886 résidents, mais le nombre d’habitants recensés s’élève à 1562 personnes, dont 898 électeurs. Son conseil municipal formé de 9 élus, est membre de la Fédération des Municipalités d’Iqlim el Kharroub Sud (Iqlim el Kharroub el Janoubi).

La plupart des habitants de Hasrout sont fonctionnaires du service public ou exercent des professions libérales. La localité est réputée pour la présence notable de bois de chênes dans ses alentours.

Iqlim El Kharroub Sud


  Jadra is a village in chouf , mount Lebanon, about 30 kilometers from the capital Beirut and 10 kilometers from Saida . Jadra has about 1000 residents Iqlim El Kharroub Sud 
Al Jahiliyah, a small town in "Al Chouf" Lebanon
this town is way down in the valley
being there u can see a Great Green mountain
the picture in here shows the River passing thru this town

in the old days no one lived there because there were many wolves
but finally came few men who decided to see their destiny over there
and so they ruled the place making the wolves their friends
those men were named the " Fathers of the wolves "

Jdaïdet ech Chouf
Jdeidet el Chouf

Situation géographique : Jdaïdet ech Chouf est située à 4 kilomètres de Beiteddine, chef-lieu du caza du Chouf, et à 46 kilomètres au sud de la capitale Beyrouth. Perchée entre 850 et 900 mètres d’altitude, elle s’étend sur une superficie de 350 hectares.
On peut s’y rendre par la route de Damour, Baaqline et Beiteddine ou par la route de Jezzine, ce qui en fait un lieu de passage très fréquenté vers la mohafazat du Liban-Sud.

Population : Jdaïdet ech Chouf compte 5291 résidents, mais seuls 1195 habitants y sont recensés, dont 687 électeurs. La plupart des résidents de la localité sont originaires des régions alentours, mais une grande majorité d’entre eux réside en fait annuellement à Boqaata.

Spécificités : Le charme de son architecture traditionnelle et son commerce d’importance régionale, tourné vers Boqaata, font la réputation de Jdaïddet ech Chouf.

Prix moyen du terrain (Land average price):

  - Sur voie principale (main road):  100$ /m²
  - Sur voie secondaire (minor road):   $ /m²
  - Hors voie (out of road):

#Jbaa     Haut Chouf
(El Aala)
#Jieh Prix moyen du terrain (Land average price):
  - Bord de plage (on the sea shore) : 250 $ /m²
  - Sur voie principale (main road): 200 $ /m²
  - Sur voie secondaire (minor road):   $ /m²
  - Hors voie (out of road): 60 $ /m²
Prix moyen appartement (Flat average price): 350 $ /m²
La côte

Origine et signification du nom : D’origine syriaque, le nom Joun signifie « l’œil du soleil ».

Position géographique : Joun est située dans les recoins sud d’Iqlim el Kharroub, entre plaines et collines où s’écoulent paisiblement de petits cours d’eau. Elle est entourée par le fleuve el Aouali au sud, et par l’oued Abou el Yabès au nord.
S’élevant à 406 mètres d’altitude, elle s’étend sur une superficie de 1200 hectares.
32 kilomètres la séparent de Beiteddine, son chef-lieu de caza, 42 kilomètres de Baabda, chef-lieu de la mohafazat du Mont-Liban, et 48 kilomètres de la capitale Beyrouth.

Population : Joun compte 2673 résidents, mais on y dénombre 5382 habitants recensés, et 3094 électeurs.

Spécificités : On trouve à Joun de nombreux témoignages des événements historiques qui ont marqué la région à différentes époques . Elle recèle notamment des tombes troglodytiques phéniciennes, la citadelle d’Abou El Hassan El Salibi(datant du XIIème siècle ap J.C) ou encore le Monastère du Sauveur (premier monastère bâti au XIIème siècle dans la région d’Iklim el Kharoub).
On trouve également dans les proches alentours de Joun, sur une colline située au nord-ouest du village, les ruines de la résidence de Lady Stanhope, la nièce excentrique du premier ministre anglais William Pitt (1800), qui offrent un panorama exceptionnel sur Jezzine.
Enfin, comme tout village du sud Liban, Joun est dotée d’un riche réseau hydrographique et compte de nombreuses sources et cours d’eau dont Aïn Haïroun, Aïn el Faouqa, Aïn el Tahta et le fleuve Tannour.


Iqlim El Kharroub Sud

Origine et signification du nom : Kahlouniyé est un nom qui trouve ses racines étymologiques dans le mot d’origine arabe khôl désignant un fard noirâtre provenant de la carbonisation de substances grasses, utilisé à l’origine, dans les pays arabes, pour le maquillage des yeux. Cette localité était en effet connue dans le passé pour ses activités de fabrication et de commerce du khôl qui faisaient sa réputation et sa prospérité.

Situation géographique : Kahlouniyé s’élève entre 800 et 900 mètres d’altitude, et s’étend sur une superficie d’environ 375 hectares.
Elle est située à 6 kilomètres de Beiteddine, chef-lieu du caza du Chouf, et à 45 kilomètres au sud de Beyrouth. On peut y accéder par la route de Baaqline, par celle de Beitedddine-Jdaïdet ech Chouf ou par la route de Jezzine-Moukhtara-Jdaïdet ech Chouf en venant du sud du Liban.

Population :Kahlouniyé compte 3000 résidents, mais seuls 800 habitants y sont recensés, dont 425 électeurs. Une grande partie de la population de Kahlouniyé travaille dans le secteur public (dans le civil ou l’armée). On note cependant une faible proportion d’agriculteurs, essentiellement spécialisés dans la culture d’oliviers, de figuiers et de vignes.

Spécificités : On trouve à Kahlouniyé les traces archéologiques d’une antique source d’eau aujourd’hui disparue ainsi que des vestiges du château de Souayjani qui abritait autrefois le gouverneur de cette contrée. De nos jours, ce château prête son nom à la Fédération des Municipalités du Chouf Es-Souayjani (FMCES), regroupement intercommunal ayant pour objectif la mutualisation des efforts de développement des municipalités membres .

Kfar Fakoud      

Khalwat Journaya

Située sur une colline entre Deir El-Qamar et Kfarhim au Shouf, cette Khalwat est construite sur un site naturel remarquable qui surplombe à la fois la montagne et la mer. Au XIXème siècle, et à des moments cruciaux de l'histoire du pays, elle fut un lieu de rencontre entre les Druzes et les Maronites. En 1956 un tremblement de terre l'a gravement endommagée, mais elle fut reconstruite, pour redevenir un lieu de culte qu'un grand nombre de croyants visite tous les vendredis pour la prière et la méditation.


Khalwat Al-Zanbaqiyyah

Située à l'Est du village de Kfarnabrakh au milieu d'un bois de chêne, cette Khalwat domine la vallée de Safa et le mont de Sannine. Elle est formée de plusieurs pavillons anciens, dont quelques uns sont en ruines, alors que d'autres contiennent des salles de prière et la tombe de Ahmed Al-Douayk, l'un des sheikhs pieux les plus célèbres.

Prix moyen du terrain (Land average price):
  - Sur voie principale (main road): 25 $ /m²
  - Hors voie (out of road): 10 $ /m²

Prix moyen du terrain (Land average price):
  - Sur voie principale (main road): 15 $ /m²
  - Hors voie (out of road):  $ /m²
El Harf
#Khreibit El-Shouf
Monuments : église Saint Georges, ancien sérail, anciens sarcophages,tombe de prophète inconnu (1305 ac),
Environnement : 6 sources de rivières, vieux chêne
Maison d'hôte : 03 655670

Prix moyen du terrain (Land average price):
  - Hors voie (out of road): 3 $ /m²
Terrain à vendre
Land to sale

Haut Chouf
(El Aala)

#Maasser Beit Eddine Prix moyen du terrain (Land average price):
    - Sur voie principale (main road):  $ /m²
    - Hors voie (out of road): 10 $ /m²
#Maaser El Chouf zone naturelle protégée

Prix moyen du terrain (Land average price):
    - Sur voie principale (main road): 20 $ /m²
    - Hors voie (out of road): 15 $ /m²
Haut Chouf
(El Aala)
#Majdel Meouch
Majd el-Meouch
  El Harf
Marj Barja

Origine et signification du nom : Certains prêtent au nom Mazboud une origine syriaque (il signifierait alors « canalisation hydraulique »), d’autres une origine arabe signifiant le « don d’argent ».

Situation géographique : D’une superficie de 390 hectares, la localité de Mazboud s’étage sur 170 mètres de dénivelé, entre 450 et 620 mètres d’altitude. Située à 32 kilomètres de son chef-lieu, Beiteddine, et à 44 kilomètres au sud de Beyrouth , elle est accessible par le réseau routier de Sibline-Ketermaya.

Population : Mazboud compte 3025 résidents, mais on y dénombre 3693 habitants recensés, dont 2123 électeurs.
Le secteur agricole y demeure très important, Mazboud étant connue pour sa production d’huile d’olive, qui constitue une source fondamentale de revenus au niveau régional.

Spécificités : Outre la production d’huile d’olive qui fait sa renommée, Mazboud recèle quelques trésors historiques, tels que des tombes et des sarcophages datant de l’époque phénicienne, des pressoirs d’olives des époques romaine et byzantine, ou encore la mosquée du village datant du 14ème siècle ap. J.C. On trouve également dans les proches alentours de Mazboud la source de Aïn Mazboud et les ruines de Debcha.

Iqlim El Kharroub Nord
#Mazraat el Chouf  

Origine et signification du nom : Ce nom signifie littéralement « la ferme du Chouf ». Chouf provenant de l’arabe « chaf » qui signifie « vit » (du verbe voir) et de son dérivé « achrafa » (« supervisa »), on comprend que ce nom qualifiait autrefois des lieux dominants géographiquement et stratégiquement.

Situation géographique : Mazraat ech Chouf s’étend sur une superficie de 1100 hectares. Située à une cinquantaine de kilomètres de Beyrouth et perchée à 950 mètres d’altitude, elle est accessible par les routes de Damour-Beiteddine ou de Baaqline-Jdaïdet ech Chouf.

Population : Mazraat ech Chouf compte 2459 résidents, mais 6923 habitants y sont recensés, dont 3980 électeurs.

Spécificités : On trouve à Mazraat ech Chouf et dans ses alentours, d’importantes surfaces de jardins, de forêts et de prés, parmi lesquels on peut citer le pré de Basri, le pré de Dalfa et la forêt d’ El Aarid. La localité compte également des richesses patrimoniales, telles que l’église maronite Saint-Georges, ou encore la fontaine du village, datant du XVIIème siècle. On y trouve aussi de nombreuses sources.

Prix moyen du terrain (Land average price):
    - Sur voie principale (main road):  $ /m²
    - Hors voie (out of road):  5 $ /m²
immobilier.htm#IMMOMazraat El Chouf


#Mazraat el Dahr  

Mazraat ed Dahr est une localité du caza du Chouf, située à 20 kilomètres au sud de la ville de Beiteddine, centre administratif du caza. Elle s’élève à 650 mètres d’altitude et s’étend sur une superficie de 3470 hectares. Elle est distante de 55 kilomètres du centre administratif de la mohafazat, la ville de Baabda, et de 60 kilomètres de la capitale Beyrouth.

On dénombre à Mazraat ed Dahr 286 résidents, mais le nombre d’habitants recensés s’élève à 2032 personnes, dont 1168 électeurs. Son conseil municipal formé de 9 élus, est membre de la Fédération des Municipalités d’Iqlim el Kharroub Sud (Iqlim el Kharroub el Janoubi).

La majorité des habitants inscrits de Mazraat ed Dahr réside dans la capitale Beyrouth et dans ses banlieues. Ils sont fonctionnaires du service public ou exercent des professions libérales.
Iqlim El Kharroub Sud
Mechref Set on gently rolling green hills, with a panoramic, unobstructed view of the sea, Mechref Village is the embodiment of all that is unique and exclusive living in Lebanon. Combining the cool, green beauty of the mountains with a dramatic horizon that seamlessly marries sky and sea, Mechref Village is an oasis of natural beauty, at once easily accessible and far removed from the congestion of the city. Smooth sandstone houses with traditional red roofs and graceful archways peep out through the lush greenery, lending the Village an unparalleled charm. Inside, all the facilities are sleek, modern and up-to-date, making this the ideal dwelling place for those who seek a harmonious balance between the beauty of the past and the convenience of the future

Prix moyen du terrain (Land average price):
  -Dans le village privé (inside the private village): 200$ /m²
  -Autour du village privé (near the private village): 40 $ /m²
  -Hors voie (out of road):
 10 $ /m²
Facteur d'explotation /exploitation factor: 30% x 90%
iPrix moyen appartement (Flat average price):  $ /m²
Prix moyen villa (Villa average price): 
1000 $ /m²

La côte

Moukhtara est une localité du caza du Chouf, située au sud-est de la ville de Beiteddine, sur le flanc oriental de la Montagne du Barouk, à 850 mètres d’altitude. Elle s’étend sur plus de 330 hectares, et est distante de 8 kilomètres du centre administratif du caza, la ville de Beiteddine, de 50 kilomètres du centre administratif de la mohafazat, la ville de Baabda, et de 85 kilomètres de la capitale Beyrouth.

On dénombre à Mouhktara 869 résidents, mais le nombre d’habitants recensés s’élève à 2042 personnes, dont 1174 électeurs. Son conseil municipal, formé de 9 élus, est membre de la Fédération des Municipalités du Chouf El Aala (Le Haut Chouf).

Moukhtara est une localité touristique, caractérisée par la beauté de sa nature, et on y trouve un célèbre palais faisant partie du patrimoine, le palais de Moukhtara.

Monuments : palais des joumblatt, églises notre dame des maronites et celle des orthodoxes, vieux ponts, vieilles grottes,vieux moulins et pressoirs, vieux souk
Environnement : rivière de la vallée de l'eau
Restaurants : Nabee Merched 05 310220 / 03 696400
Club house 03 693031 / 03 518186
Al nabee (la source) 03 587152 (truite d'élevage)
Haut Chouf
(El Aala)
    Haut Chouf
(El Aala)
Mtolleh   Spécificités : terrain de Basketball (Caritas)  
  Prix moyen du terrain (Land average price):
  - Bord de plage (on the sea shore) :  $ /m²
  - Zone industrielle (industrial area):  90 $ /m²
  - Sur voie secondaire (minor road):   $ /m²
  - Hors voie (out of road):  $ /m²
Prix moyen appartement (Flat average price): 300 $ /m²
La côte
#Nabeh El Safa      

Niha est une localité du caza du Chouf, située au sud-est de la ville de Beiteddine, à 1020 mètres d’altitude. Ses limites frôlent les hauteurs de Jabal Niha (le Mont Niha), et elle figure par sa taille parmi les plus grandes localités du caza du Chouf, atteignant une superficie de 3750 hectares.

Elle est distante de 23 kilomètres du centre administratif du caza, la ville de Beiteddine, de 60 kilomètres du centre administratif de la mohafazat, la ville de Baabda, et de 65 kilomètres de la capitale Beyrouth.

On dénombre à Niha 3080 résidents, mais le nombre d’habitants recensés s’élève à 5011 personnes, dont 2881 électeurs. Son conseil municipal formé de 15 élus, est membre de la Fédération des Municipalités du Chouf El Aala (Le Haut Chouf).

Les habitants de Niha travaillent dans le secteur agricole et dans le service public, et une partie d’entre eux est émigrée à l’étranger.

La localité est réputée pour ses vestiges de citadelles et ses sanctuaires religieux, tels que la citadelle rocheuse de « Tiron » et le haut lieu du Nabi Ayoub (le prophète Job).
Maqam du Prohète Ayoub

Le Prophète Ayoub (Job) est cité dans le Coran dans la Sourate "Les Prophètes" comme symbole de patience et de dévouement dans l'obéissance de Dieu qui le guérit de ses maladies après sept ans de souffrances. Son grand et célèbre sanctuaire situé sur une cime de la montagne de Niha à 1400 m. d'altitude, domine le village de Niha ainsi que d'autres villages avoisinants. Il a été restauré plusieurs fois et on lui a ajouté des pavillons et des salles qui peuvent contenir les milliers de visiteurs qui viennent demander la bénédiction. Une cérémonie religieuse, à laquelle participe des représentants du gouvernement, est célébrée tous les ans dans la cour de la mosquée adjointe à cet édifice.

Haut Chouf
(El Aala)
#Rmeyleh   Prix moyen du terrain (Land average price):
  - Bord de plage (on the sea shore) : 500 $ /m²
  - Sur voie principale (main road):  $ /m²
  - Sur voie secondaire (minor road):  50 $ /m²
  - Hors voie (out of road):  10$ /m²
Facteur d'explotation /exploitation factor: 20%/4 étages
Prix moyen appartement (Flat average price):  $ /m²
La côte
#Rwayset El Naameh      
#Sebline   La côte

Origine et signification du nom : Certains pensent que le nom de « Semqaniyé » serait d’origine syriaque et signifierait « rougeâtre ». D’autres le rapprochent du mot arabe « sumac » désignant un arbre de la famille des térébinthacées, caractéristique de la région méditerranéenne et dont les graines possèdent de remarquables qualités culinaires.

Situation géographique : D’une superficie de 530 hectares, Semqaniyé s’élève à 920 mètres d’altitude. Elle est située à 2 kilomètres de Beiteddine, chef-lieu du caza du Chouf, et à 45 kilomètres au sud de Beyrouth. Elle est accessible par le réseau routier de Damour, Baaqline et Beiteddine.

Population : Semqaniyé compte 3663 résidents, mais seuls 1211 habitants y sont recensés, dont 696 électeurs.

Spécificités : Semqaniyé se distingue par ses richesses patrimoniales, parmi lesquelles le château de Mahmoud Bacha Harmouch, qui, en compagnie d’El Khazen, escorta en 1593 l’émir druze Fakhreddine jusqu’au pré de Semqaniyé, où il reçut le titre glorieux de « Prince du Liban ».
Semqaniyé jouit également d’une vie associative intense animée par une population au fait des enjeux économiques, sociaux, culturels et sanitaires auxquels elle doit faire face.

Prix moyen du terrain (Land average price):
    - Sur voie principale (main road):  $ /m²
    - Hors voie (out of road):  5 $ /m²

#Wadi Bnehleih      
#Wadi El Sitt   El Harf
Wadi el-Zineh      
#Warhania Prix moyen du terrain (Land average price):
    - Sur voie principale (main road):  $ /m²
    - Sur voie secondaire (minor road):  5 $ /m²
    - Hors voie (out of road):  $ /m²
(Al Wardaniyeh)

Origine et signification du nom : Le nom Zaarouriyé vient du mot arabe El Zaarour qui désigne l’aubépine, arbrisseau épineux de la famille des rosacées, dont les pouvoirs curatifs sont connus depuis de nombreux siècles.

Situation géographique : Située à 20 kilomètres de Beitedddine, son chef-lieu, Zaarouriyé s’étend sur une superficie de 400 hectares, et s’élève entre 650 et 750 mètres d’altitude.

Population : Zaarouriyé compte 1029 résidents, mais le nombre de ses habitants recensés s’élève à 3159 personnes, dont 1816 électeurs. Sa population vit en majorité de l’agriculture, le reste travaillant aussi bien dans les secteurs public que privé.

Prix moyen du terrain (Land average price):
    - Sur voie principale (main road):  $ /m²
    - Hors voie (out of road): 20 $ /m²

Iqlim El Kharroub Sud


#Village non spécifié      


Divers liens
Photos du site du ministère du tourisme: Beiteddine,Kfarhim,Deir El Qamar, Barouk,Maaser El Chouf,Jisr El Kadi,Ain Zhalta,Bchetfine,Damour Moukhtara,Dalhamiye,Joun Mechref 



Almaan (USA , CANADA, ...)

Elie Roland Maksoud - Full time Baby. Was born in September 18, 2004.
Corona, California, USA
Alman, al Chouf - 2004
Record Created on December 17th, 2004
Alexy Nemer - Hi I'm Alexy I knew about this site who could join the Lebanese from all over the world and I liked the idea too much u could contact me on my e mail adress.... regards!
Beirut, Lebanon
Elman (Chouf)

Record Created on January 7th, 2003

Younis Aref Younis - I was born in Jal el Dib I am from Aalman el Chouf I work now in Ericsson Bahrain.
Engineer, Ericsson
Manama, Bahrain
Aalman el-Chouf - 1965

Record Last Updated on January 20th, 2002
Record Created on January 20th, 2002
Frederic Elias - I was born in Montreal, Quebec, Canada.My family is from Aalman, near Saïda.
Student, Collège Stanislas
Harris - Ville St-Laurent, Canada
Aalman - 1980 
Record Created on December 26, 1997

Jean N. Youssef
Financial Consultant, LPL Financial
100 Pacifica # 480 - Irvine, Ca, USA
Aalman El-Chouf - 1965

Record Last Updated on November 13, 2000
Record Created on October 23, 2000

Ainbal (USA , GULF, ...)

Wael Kamel Abou Zaki - Hello for all my friends, and for all lebanese. I am 25 years old, I
am working with Ernst and Young Dubai, I am in my 3rd year PHD finance in Sorbonne,
France. I like to meet new friends, and especially living in a place other than my country,
by this way we can interchange cultures.
External Auditor, Ernst & Young
Dubai, UAE
Ainbal al Chouf - 1979
Record Last Updated on August 21st, 2004
Record Created on August 1st, 2004
Alina Adel Abdel Baki - Hi to all my friends in Lebanon (Al Chouf).
Marketing Manager
London, UK
Inbal, Al Chouf - 1979
Record Created on August 3rd, 2004
Talal Hikmat Abdul-Baki - I like to improve the things I touch places I visit. I love Lebanon and wish if I can live in it.
Control & Instrumentation Eng, Almeer Technincal Services
Salmiya, Kuwait
Ainbal/Shouf - 1970

Record Created on December 27th, 2002

Rami Abdul-Baki
Telecom Engineer, Siemens AG
Vienna, Austria
Ainbal, Chouf - 1972

Record Created on January 4th, 2003

Ibrahim M. Antonios - I'm simply and proudly a Lebanese, I'm an architect.
Architect, IMAGERY
P.O. Box 73572 - Abu Dhabi, UAE
Ainbal, Chouf - 1966
Record Last Updated on May 5, 2000
Record Created on January 8, 1999
Bassam Abdul-Baki
Software Analyst, Digital Access Corporation
Woodbridge, VA, USA
Ainbal, El-Shouf - 1971 
Record Last Updated on January 20, 2001
Record Created on September 8, 1998
Nasry H. Abou Zaki - I'm fond of my country & looking forward to go back to Lebanon & would like to know more Lebanese all over the world. Now I'm based in Dubai and working for an advertising agency in the PR department. Feel free to contact me.
Public & Press Relations, Madco Group
Dubai, UAE
Ainbal-Ashouf - 1971
Record Created on November 29, 1999
Nayef Antar Abouzaki - I'm from Ainbal Al-Chouf. I have been in US for 4 years now. I still have couple more years in high school until I go to college. I'm looking forword to recieve emails from my relatives and Lebanese people from around the world. We are having a New Year's Party here in Richmond, so if you live close to here come and join us.
Richmond, VA, USA
Ainbal, al-Chouf - 1984
Record Last Updated on October 24, 1999
Record Created on October 23, 1999
Bassem Nazih Antonios - Marhaba! I migrated to the USA back in 1990. When I was living in Lebanon, I attended College De La Sagesse, College Des Apotres, and AUB. Here, I studied Mechanical Engineering and worked in the field of Mfg Eng'g for more than 5 years. I have formed recently an engineering firm and I am pursuing a dual Master's degree in Business and Industrial Engineering. I like to hear from Lebanese people or whoever is interested to communicate decently with a Lebanese guy.
Engineer/Business Owner, University Of New Haven
Danbury, CT, USA
Ainbal, El Shouf - 1969
Record Last Updated on February 13, 1999
Record Created on July 10, 1998
Omar Dorayd Abouzaki - I'm very friendly and looking forward to recieve emails from all of the Lebanese people around the world.
Richmond, VA, USA
Ainbal, Al-Chouf - 1976
Record Created on October 25, 1999
Sulaiman Hassan Abou Zaki - I'm from Ainbal - Al Chouf. Been in the UAE for the past 10 years. I'm a journalist (Dubai IT correspondent for Al Sharq Al Awsat newspaper), PR Professional Freelancer and handle a full time job as a Press Relations Manager for Channels Exhibitions (Trade exhibitions organiser and publisher in Dubai). I would like to get intouch with all my relatives, old friends and meet some new interesting ones (Guys and Girls) from all over the world - everybody is welcomed and I'll reply to any message I would receive.
Journalist / Press Relations Manager, Channels Exhibitions
P.O.Box: 55254 - Dubai, UAE
Ainbal - Al Chouf - 1969
Record Last Updated on November 11, 1999
Record Created on October 16, 1999
Alie Nassif Basma - What a great forum to reach long-lost friends and acquaintances!
Thanks for your dedication! I was born in Sierra Leone, a small but beautiful country in
West Africa, in 1961. My paternal grandfather, Alhaj Alie Hussein Basma, who was born in
Ain Baal, South Lebanon, in 1900, had emigrated to Sierra Leone in the mid-twenties. Talk
about pioneers - this was at the time when Sierra Leone was known as the “White Man’s
Grave”! Somehow, he managed to survive and grew his business selling rice, palm kernels
(banga), and other sundry goods in the remote hinterland of the country, and now my
brothers (Ibrahim, Mohamed aka M.B, Hassan, Musa), sister (Fyrouse), other members of
the extended family and I are the product of his grit and tenacity, which I am proud to say
are staples of the Lebanese character! I attended school in Freetown - Lebanese School,
St. Philip’s Primary School and Albert Academy (“O’-Levels, 1978). How can I forget that

tropical, balmy, sun baked, muggy and lazy climate that we all know so well, and the cotton
trees and mango trees in the backyards, with each tantalizing mango beckoning you to
come taste it succulent juice? How about the tropical floras that bloom so magnificently in
the rainy season – the hibiscus, the bougainvillea on the walls of the villas at Hill Station,
Signal Hill and Wilkinson Road, and the flamboyant tree with its decorous scarlet flowers?
What are Christmas and New Year without the cool and dry Harmattan winds blowing from
the Sahara? How can New Year’s Eve ever be fun again when not celebrated at Cape Sierra
Hotel, or Cape Club or the Atlantic Club, or Lagunda? How can I forget playing football at
the YSC (where I got the nick name "Fayabon") in the hot sun for hours on end, and
Khaled Basma (aka Carlos) ‘cussing mammy cuss’ because no one will pass him the ball,
or the ultra-competitive matches between the YSC, Lebanese School and Antar All-Stars
teams and the fights that sometimes broke out. How can I forget Sunday mornings at the
Lumley Beach, come rain or sunshine, with one of my best friends Rafiq Abbess, or playing
football on the sea shore until we were as dark-brown as Mars bars, or Hussein "Kabala"
‘seizing’ the ball and creating chaos on the sand, because the ref’s call was not to his
liking, or swimming in the pool at Cape Sierra and then walking the short distance to
Murray Town and Aberdeen to pick raw mangoes in the woods or was that someone’s
backyard? How about my close and lasting friendship with Elias Nader, a Christian
Lebanese, at the height of the Lebanese Civil War? To the credit of all the Lebanese in
Sierra Leone, the bond of friendship between Muslims and Christians remained firm and
strong even during the most tumultuous periods of the tragic war, a clear and true
testament to the fact that we can all live together. Elias and Hyder Jaward, how about our
obsession with watching Hindi and Kung Fu movies? Still want to argue about who’s the
better actor – Dharmendra or Rajesh Khanna, Chen Sing aka “Brutal” or Wang Yu? And how
can I forget my close cousins and classmates, Jihad and Emad Basma, and how we used to
bribe their driver to allow us to drive, at 14 years of age, the 504 Peugeot without uncle’s
permission? Remember Emad, how we used to race each other and my cousin Musa Antar,
and how I once flipped (3 times!) and crashed my dad’s car with you in the passenger’s
seat along Wilkinson Road, into an electric utility pole, and how horrified we were to find
out that we had severed electricity supply to the whole neighborhood? And how blessed
were we to walk away from that accident unscathed? Sadly, my life of unaccountability and
devil-may-care attitude ended the day I boarded a plane to pursuit further studies in the
UK. I attended Scarborough College (‘A’ Levels – 1980) and Portsmouth University, and
earned a B.Sc. (Honors) in Pharmacology and an M. Phil. in Biochemical Pharmacology.
Following the completion of my studies, I moved to the United States to take up a post as
a research-teaching specialist in the Neurology and Pharmacology departments of the
University of Medicine and Dentistry of New Jersey. I continued with my work as a research
scientist at Ohmeda Inc., Cephalon Inc., and DuPont Pharmaceuticals where my research
was primarily focused on trying to understand the etiology of central nervous system
disorders such as Parkinson’s, Alzheimer’s and Lou Gehrig diseases. I currently work for a
major pharmaceutical company in the Delaware Valley as a surveillance manager in the
Drug Safety/Pharmacovigilance department. I am married to Miriam (nee Rezik), a
registered dietitian, and proprietor of Healthy Weighs, a private nutrition consulting
business. We are blessed with two wonderful children, Yusef (7), a soccer and karate
fanatic, and Hadi (4) who basically emulates his older brother. I visited Lebanon, my other
homeland for the first time(!), a couple of years ago, and was amazed at its sheer beauty.
The people are indefatigable, and inshaAllah, Lebanon’s future glory will supersede that
which it attained in the past. What a blessed country, truly the land of the Prophets! The
beauty of Beirut, Sour, Sida, Trablous and Jounieh are unsurpassable. Who can forget the
drive from Chatura, past the cedar trees of the Chouf mountains, through Deir al Amar and
onto Beitidine, or the magnificent remains at Baalbeck and Byblos? How touching and
humbling to see and touch the graves of my ancestors! What pride and honor to be
associated with two of the most beautiful lands on earth, two lands that have experienced
the pains and sufferings of war, but are once again coming on strong! To all my friends
and acquaintances scattered around the world, please let me know what you’re up to these
days. It’ll be nice to reminisce about the good old days in Freetown! Jamal Ajami,
Mahmoud and Daoud Shamel, Mohamed Dayek (classmate at AA for 2 years), Mohamed
and Hussein Sid-Amin, Nabil (team-mate at YSC) – where are you guys?!
Pharmacovigilance/Drug Safety Product Manager, Pharmaceutical
Bear, Delaware, USA
Ain Baal - 1961
Record Created on November 8th, 2004

Ain El Haour (FRANCE, ...)

Georges Hachem
Civil Engineer
Noisiel, France
Ain el Haour, Chouf - 1979

Record Created on January 1st, 2003


Ain Enoub (USA ,  ...)

Amin Khalifa - Keef il zaatar?
Developer, Baskal Corp
Jacksonville, Florida, USA
Ain Enoub - 1972

Record Last Updated on March 21st, 2002
Record Created on October 14th, 1998
Alex Amin Khalifa - Ya Hallan! Allah maakoon!
Business Analyst, Bombardier
10000 Gate Parkway - Jacksonville, Florida, USA
Ain Enoub, Jabal Chouff - 1972
Record Last Updated on October 14, 1998
Record Created on October 14, 1998


Ain Kani (USA , CANADA, ...)

Rami Nadim Safa - My village always in my mind where ever I am, I like everybody there, I love everything there.
Student, K.I.E.S
Salmiya, Kuwait
Ainkani El Shouf - 1990

Record Created on January 8th, 2002

Wael Nazih Salman - I love my country, it's beautifull, people are lovely, nice, friendly, I hope that ever one can go and visit Lebanon.
Management Information Systems
Charlotte, North Carolina, USA
Ain Kani el Shouf - 1976

Record Created on April 20th, 2002

Georges Chafic El Haddad
Architect, Nadel Architects Inc
14658 magnolia blvd #209 - Sherman Oaks, California, USA
Ain Kani el Chouf - 1965
Record Created on May 16, 2000
Leila Magid Chamaa - My father is from Ainkani, Shouf, my mother is from Uruguay. I live in Brazil. I always take the Brazilian and Arabic people to Lebanon to see our nice country.
Travel Agent, Leila Travel
Sao Paulo, Brazil
Ain Kani, Chouf - 1957
Record Created on August 18, 2000
Mayid Mohamed Chamaa - I am old Lebanese man. I am in Brazil at 31 years. My wife is from Uruguay, she is not Lebanese, but she likes Lebanon and everything from my country. I have big family in Lebanon, America, Emirates, Canada.
Maitre d'Hotel
São Paulo, Brazil
Ain Kani, Chouf - 1918
Record Created on August 30, 2000
Ayoub Youssef Breiche - I am from Ain Kani el Shouf came to Canada in 1980. 1999 I opened used car dealer including car rental and a communication office, we are located in Bakataa el Shouf. Tel: +961 5507228 or +9613 231765
Electronics Eng. Technologist, Auto Challenge New Car
974 deer run - Mississauga, Canada
Ain Kani el Shouf - 1963
Record Last Updated on May 25, 2000
Record Created on February 14, 1999
Mansour Najib El Shama - Hello to every Lebanese on the globe, our Lebnan is coming back :( ): Live in Canada, Toronto, like hunting, fishing and outdoors. I'm from a great town called Aien Kanny, El Chouf. Left Lebanon 1990. Hope to come back soon E-mail me so we could go hunting together (birds)
Trucking Services, El Shama Trucking
3355 Ponytrail dr - Mississauga, Ontario, Canada
Aien Kanny (El Chouf) - 1970
Record Last Updated on May 18, 1999
Record Created on May 18, 1999


Ainwzein (...)

Michael Khaled Sleiman Alhassanieh - I am a Lebanese living in Norway my education is Civil Economy , Data Engineering , Archaeology 2 years , I like to read books Prowd to be Canaanite.
Data Engineer, Control Data
Parkgata 22 - Norway
Ainwzein - Shouf - 1969 
Record Created on August 29, 2000
Imad Farid Hassanieh - I am a Lebanese/Sierra Leonian/English Mix. Vegetatian who loves Yoga.
Computer Consultant, IBS
7910 N. Macarthur Blvd Ap3030 - Irving Texas, USA
Ainouzein Chouf
Record Created on September 7, 2000
Rabih Al Hassanieh - Marhaba, to all our natives in all over the world, I'm from al shouf and living in saudi arabia, and like to contect new friends from lebanon
Riyadh, Saudi Arabia
Ainwzien - 1974
Record Created on May 25, 2001


Ain-Zhalta (USA, CANADA, FRANCE, ...)


Khaled Rafiq Karame - Married with children: 3 beautifull girls and one guy, my family is
still in my village Ain Zhalta and I live in the US. I visit Lebanon every four month to see
my family and my best new family member my grandchild Sam Shaya, he is 15 month old
and the best gift I have ever received. Life is still good but we should understand that. Best
luck everybody see you soon.
CEO, Malibu Yellow Limo
Malibu, CA, USA
Ain Zhalta, al Shouf - 1953
Record Created on January 24th, 2004
Iyad Karamé - Je suis né à Aîn-Zhalta d'une famille libanaise là ou'j'ai effectué mes etudes primaires et secondaires, j'ai fait mes etudes universitaire à l'université libanaise-Facultés des sciences. J'ai enseigné à l'école officielle de Majd El Méouche 3 ans de 1996 à 1999 . Je suis actuellement à lyon en France pour continuer mes etudes doctorales en chimie (Organometallic and Asymmetric Catalysis) "Synthesis of New Chiral Schiff Bases and Evaluation of Their Complexes for Asymmetric Catalysis”. J'ai participé à: 4 Congrés nationals (France), 2 Congrés francophone et 2 Congrés internationals. J'ai 3 Publications Scientifiques dans Journal of moleculare catalysis A, dans Eur. J. Org. Chem. et dans Tetrahedron Letters. Deux autres sont au cours de préparation. Je suis actuellement le président de l'Association Libano Française des étudiant à Lyon et le trésorier du Club des Jeunes Chimistes dans la Société Française de Chimie.
Doctorant (PhD), UCB Lyon1
46, Bd du 11 Novembre 1918 - 69100 Villeurbanne (Lyon), France
Aîn-Zhalta, Shouf - 1974

Record Last Updated on July 20th, 2003
Record Created on January 5th, 2000

Khaled Nadim Azzam - Hello to every one. I am very happy to hear about this website. My lebanese town is Ain Zhalta al Shouf I hope to go there soon.
Hawally, Kuwait
Ain Zhalta, Shouf - 1964

Record Created on February 22nd, 2003

Omar Riad Kamaleddine  - Well, I'm 14, lebanese and I can't wait to go back to Lebanon. I love soccer, archery, badminton, swimming, lacrosse, chating, playing computer games, watching television, and just sitting around doing nothing. I work, mind you, and hate Canada and its snow (curse the person who found it) and love Lebanon. I'm a Kamaleddine and proud of it, and proud of being druse and lebanese, and I have the coolest family in the world. For instance, my cousin Wessam, or wes, is a car salesmen and is so cool. Khalid is hilarious, along with the rest of my blood line. Well, I've said to much, so peace to all, and God bless.
Student/Restaurant Worker, Burger Baron
Edmonton, Alberta, Canada
Ain Zhalta Shouf - 1988

Record Created on January 27th, 2003

Wessam (Wes) Kamaleddine - Hello to Everyone, I am happy to hear about this website. I was born here in Vernon British Columbia, Canada, I love to meet new people and beautifal Girlzzz. My Lebanese home town is Ain Zhalta shouf mountains. I hope to go there very soon. Peace to all Lebanese and the Arab World.
Prestige Car Profession, BMW
Edmonton, Alberta, Canada
Ain Zhalta, Beautifal Shouf - 1980

Record Last Updated on December 14th, 2002
Record Created on March 13th, 2000

Fadi N. Karameh - 10 million Lebanese abroad, yet someone still asked me the other day isn't Lebanon in South America? may be we are not doing enough...
Ph.D. Candidate in Electrical Engineering, Massachusetts Institure of Technology
54 Webster Ave - Cambridge, MA 02141, USA
Ain-Zhalta, el Chouf - 1972 -
Record Last Updated on June 30, 1998
Record Created on May 7, 1997 e-mail :
Iyad Karamé - Je suis né à Aîn-Zhalta d'une famille libanaise là ou'j'ai effectué mes etudes primaires et secondaires, j'ai fait mes etudes universitaire à l'université libanaise. J'ai enseigné à l'école officielle de Majd El Méouche 3 ans de 1996 à 1999 . Je suis actuellement à lyon en France pour continuer mes etudes doctorales en chimie.
Doctorant, UCB lyon1
69, rue ProfesseurRrochaix - 69003 Lyon, France
Aîn-Zhalta, Shouf - 1974
Record Last Updated on December 8, 2000
Record Created on January 5, 2000
Samer N. Hamed - I recently moved to Canada and would like to meet or keep in touch with the Lebanese community.
Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Ain Zhalta Shouf - 1971
Record Created on March 24, 2001
Maan Salman Hamed
Movie, TV Director
Kiev, Ukraine
Ain-Zahalta, al Chouf - 1962
Record Created on December 14, 2001


Ammatour (GULF, USA , NORTH EUROPE, ...)

Chady Atif Yousuf Abd el Samad - I left the beautiful village seven years back, traveled many countries, got my MBA, I’m presently working as a Sales Manager in an international Co. My sole interest in life is bodybuilding, and I hope to compete professionally in the near future.
Sales Manager, Cloisall Int LLC
Ammatour al Chouf - 1973
Record Created on November 28th, 2003
Naji Shamel Abdel Samad - Hello everybody, I am from Ammatour el Shouf. I am living now in Saudi Arabia, Riyadh, working in Al Harbi Group.
Architect, SMG
Riyadh, Saudi Arabia
Ammatour - 1975

Record Created on October 9th, 2002

Eyad Shafiq Abdel Samad - I Love my village Aammatour and my country Lebanon, I would like to say Hi for all Freinds.
Florist, Le TOP
Sulaimaniah, 30 ST. - Riyadh, Saudi Arabia
Ammatour el-Shouf - 1971 -

Record Last Updated on October 11th, 2002
Record Created on September 28th, 2002

Omar Bahjat Abdel Samad - Hi my Brothers, Freinds and Colligues... I am an Architect; Qualified Since 1995, Degree "Good / Fairly good". The Classification is third. Lebanese university. My diploma project was: "TOURIST CENTER And RESORT", with HOTEL And CHALETS, located in BECHARRI NORTH LEBANON, Near the Cedars Preserved Forest, "EL-ARZ". In the Practice Experience: Previously, I had working as an "Interior Designer Consultant" (Decorator),with The Largest Furniture Establishment, arround the world: "IKEA", The Swedish Furniture Store.(Riyadh Branch-Saudi Arabia). And in the Present, I am working as a "Senior Interior Designer And Architect", in the Riwaq Of the Kingdom Co. My real Position is "PROJECT ARCHITECT". In Riwaq, we work as a team and we are Handling Big Projects in the Booth Domains: (Architecture, And Interior Design) And the following is an Examples: a) In Architecure: 1- H.R.H. Princess, Um H.R.H. Prince Sultan Bin Mishaal Bin Abdul Aziz, Residential Compound and Resort, "AL-NAKHEEL BEACH RESIDENTIAL COMPLEX", In EARGAH, North-West Riyadh (Lot Area<120,000 m2<): Five Stars Hotel, 3 Palaces, 18 Differents Villas, arround 80 Chalets in two types, and in addition, there is a Helth clubs, Restaurants, Shops, Swimming pools, Falls, Administration Bldg., Mosque, Parkings, and Landscapes...etc. Working as a PROJECT ARCHITECT. 2- H.R.H. Princess, Um H.R.H. Prince Sultan Bin Mishaal Bin Abdul Aziz-FARM, In BinBan Exit, North Riyadh,(Lot Area <62000 m2<): 4Chalets, Farmhouse, Annexes, Landscape, Tents, Swimming pools,and playgrounds...etc. Working as an ARCHITECT. 3-Mohammed Al-Zaeem Villa, In Riyadh. Working as a PROJECT ARCHITECT. 4-H.R.H. Princess Haifa Bint Badr, Villa, In Jeddah. Working as a PROJECT ARCHITECT. Etc... b) In Interior Design: 1-Marriott Hotel Extention, In Riyadh. Working as an INTERIOR DESIGNER. 2-Sheraton Dammam Hotel And Tower. Working as an INTERIOR DESIGNER. 3-Al Othaim Mall, Between Exit 14 and Exit 15, in Riyadh East. Working as a PROJECT ARCHITECT. 4-H.R.H. Prince Khaled Al-Faisal's Palace, Renovation, In ABHA-ASIR. Working as a PROJECT ARCHITECT. Etc... And There is a lot of others projects we handle-it in the company, Like a Banking, Restaurants, Office Buildings... Etc. but this is a resuming figure about my job and experience. At the end I am Sorry for my Longest story in Leb.Org, And I would like to thank them for this opportunity. Hoping to keep on touch with everyone. My Hobbies: Design: (anything), Music, Playing on the HORG, Arabic Writing, Poeme, Painting, Singing... Etc.
Architect / Interior Designer, Riwaq Of the Kingdom
Prince Abdullah Bin Abdulaziz - Al Olaya, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia
Ammatour el-Shouf - 1970 -

Record Last Updated on November 1st, 2002
Record Created on September 16th, 2002

Rayan Esmat Abou Chakra - The states r a lovely place to be in,... for a while... but nothing compares to the fun I had in my days back when I was a surgical resident at the AUB
Medical Doctor, Saint Marys Hospital
Waterbury, CT, USA
Ammatour, el-Chouf - 1973

Record Created on July 17th, 2002
Linda Abu-Chacra
MSe, Helsinki Swedish School of Economics and Business Administration
Stockholm, Finland
Ammatour, El-Chouf - 1974
Record Last Updated on September 9, 2000
Record Created on April 2, 1999
Feras N. Abou Shackra - Look forward to see you on our site. This site is dedicated to all of Abou Chackra Families in Lebanon. Best Luck in all.
Software Engineer, nuSolutions Inc.
Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Amatour, El-Shouf - 1976 
Record Last Updated on June 7, 1999
Record Created on June 29, 1998
Nassab Abouchakra
Student, University of North Carolina
Charlotte NC, USA
Ammatour El-Shouf - 1977
Record Created on April 6, 1999
Omar Abdel Samad - I am 25 years old I'm living in Poland since 1988.Now i'm doing my phd of surgery,i want to have a contact with the people from Lebanon.I'm looking for my freinds from Beirut they finished their study in 1993.
Medical Doctor, Silesian University of medicine
Medykow - Katowice, Poland
Ammatour el-Chouf - 1972
Record Created on November 5, 1997


Anout (FRANCE , CANADA, ...)

Diana El Hage  - Hi All, I'm Diana. I left Lebanon in 2001, I used to go to Lycee Pascal in Anout. I would love to meet people from anout or from my old school. I love you all :)
Montreal, Canada
Anout el Chouf - 1987
Record Created on December 18th, 2004
Khaled Fayez Yassine - Hello, I am Lebanese my familly too, I spent part of my beautiful life in Anout the village I love from the bottom of my heart as if it's my lover I have many memories in every corner of Anout, I like to keep in touch with all the nice people of Anout, people of white heart & love.
Electronics & Telecommunication Engineer, Nokia
Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerias, Brazil
Anout el Shouf - 1969

Record Created on April 2nd, 2002

Wassim Ali Sayed (El)  - John Naisbett, auteur de livre Global paradox prétend que « plus l’économie mondiale est étendue, plus les petits acteurs deviennent puissants ». D’ailleurs, les pays les plus petits et en voie de développement pourraient dépasser les organisations internationalisées et/ou les pays industrialisés.
Doctorant à l'école doctorale MIF, Université Jean MOULIN
Lyon, France
Anouth eL Chouf - 1976 -

Record Created on January 19th, 2003

Mohammad E. Mourad
Civil Engineer
39, rue Edouard Vaillant C33 - 69100 Villeurbanne, France
Anout el-Chouf - 1975
Record Last Updated on March 30, 2000
Record Created on March 30, 2000
Omar Najib Saad - From Anout, El-Chouf. Since 1980 in Berlin. After studying, now trading in medical and industrial machinery.
Dealer in used machinery, Dipl.-Ing. O.SAAD
Berlin, Germany
Anout - 1962
Record Last Updated on September 30, 2000
Record Created on February 29, 2000
Khaled M. Ammar
Business Owner, Coyotes Restaurant Bar
Ottawa, Canada
Anout al Chouf - 1967
Record Created on January 23, 2001


Samir Jihad Abou Hasan - I am looking for every people who live in Baadaran El-Chouf in Lebannon. From many years, I am living in Poland with my family. Thanks for every email. +48 604 27 16 21
Wroclaw, Poland
Baadaran Chouf - 1976

Record Last Updated on January 15th, 2002
Record Created on January 5th, 2002
Shady Munir Shazbak  - Let us work harder to improve our beloved country since it deserves much better than what it got so far. About myself, I like making new friends, music, cars, technologies, and travel. Visit my web page to know more about me.
Transportation Engineer
Beirut, Lebanon
Baadaran el Shouf - 1974 -
Record Created on January 10, 2001
Showgi Rashrash Chazbec
Chef, Riyadh Festival Palace
Sulaimania - Riyadh, Saudi Arabia
Badaran al Chouf - 1958

Record Created on June 20th, 2003


Baakline (GULF, USA , ...)


Dalida R. Wahab - Lived in Venezuela, Lebanon, and currently residing in UAE... bi zyedeh!
School Administration, ISC
Sharjah, UAE
Baakline, Shouf - 1977
Record Created on February 15th, 2004
Salim Ghoussayni - I would be glad to hear from people in the UK and to help in any way I
can. Don't hesitate to email. I was born in Lebanon (Baakleen-Chouf) and did both my
school and university studies there (SNC & AUB). I moved to the UK in 1999, and since
then I've done an MSc and worked towards my PhD in Biomedical Engineering at the
University of Surrey. I live in a very nice town called Guildford in Surrey, and am still at the
University there, where I am currently a research fellow. Into reading, sports, travelling,
music and loving Lebanon! feel free to contact me.
PhD Biomedical Engineering, University of Surrey
Guildford, UK
Baakleen -
Record Last Updated on August 28th, 2004
Record Created on October 16th, 2001
Hassan Khudr
Economist, The Arab Planning Institute
Kuwait, Kuwait
Baakleen, Chouf - 1961
Record Created on January 6th, 2004
Tarek Saleh - Hey guys... I was born in Baakline lived there till last year, when I came to the states for my masters degree in Architecture... Just want to say that I'm proud to be Lebanese... and email me if you'r in the maryland Verginia Area...
Beltsville, Maryland, USA
Baakline, al Shouf - 1977

Record Created on March 14th, 2003

Mazen Mhd Abou Ajram - I am tall, handsom, french educated, AUB graduate, single, & I play guitar, voley-ball, & ping-pong while looking for a nice lady to get married to.
Mechanical Engineer, Dar Jana Group
Sara Sudeiry - Riyadh, Saudi Arabia
Baakleen / Shouf - 1972

Record Created on April 26th, 2003

Saad S. Elghossaini - Happily married to wonderfull woman also from Bakleen "Susan Salim Masri" with three kids Donia Sereen and Rami... I am neighbour with the richest mouse of the World! Yes, Mikey and Miney Disneyland California... Shout out to the most beautifull niece in the world Manal Abou Ajram... xoxox
Walmart, Store Manager
Anahem, California, USA
Bakleen, el Shouf

Record Created on June 23rd, 2003

Wael Kamel Hamadeh - There is no question about been lebanese but there is one only question, where do we live and how we can be lebanese....
Freelancer-Artist (Mixed media & photography)
Dubai, UAE
Baakline, el Shouf - 1969 -

Record Created on December 28th, 2002

Nader (Ned) Gosaynie - I was born and raised in Michigan, USA and now live in Florida. I speak Arabic fluently, and keep in touch with relatives in Lebanon.
Software Developer
Florida, USA
Baakline, Shouf - 1964

Record Created on September 20th, 2002

Ramez Rafic Abou Chacra - I am Ramez Rafic Abou Chacra from Baakline Shouf. I have 5 kids Rabii, Amel, Rayan, Maya and Diana, and my wife Amal Shamseddine. I came to USA May 9 1980. I am looking my grand father brothers kids in Argentine. My grand father brother left Lebanon aroud 1910, any information please reply. Thank you.

Record Created on March 23rd, 2002

Omar Takieddine - I am from Baakleen, al Chouf, from al Takieddine family, my main interests is reading...
Master in Civil Engineering
Michigan, USA
Baakleen - 1978

Record Created on March 18th, 2002
Dana Kahil Trometer - Ahlan, as you can deduce, I live in the UK and work as a documentary filmmaker. I edit to survive, and I do films because I think they can be very powerful and because truth hurts. Hope to meet some of you out there in the UK so we could try to get a documentary together about life in London. Have a good day, Dana.
London, UK
Baakline/El-Chouf - 1974

Record Created on September 13th, 2002
Cheikh  Khaled Farid Hamadé 

Cheikh Khaled Farid Hamadé> Bonjour. Je suis en admiration devant ce site sur le Chouf. Mon nom c'est Khaled Farid Hamadé qui a été forcé de quitter son Chouf  natal. Dites moi vous , ce que nous pourrions faire pour vous aider!!!! .Bravo> Merci de votre reconnaissance et j'espère que vous voudriez bien figurer dans l'une des pages du site. Il suffit que vous  m'envoyez les informations que vous désirez voir apparaître. Cordialement

Cheikh Khaled Farid Hamadé> 

En effet, s'agissant du Chouf, la tentation est trop grande ! Merci infiniment. 

Mon nom donc c'est khaled. Nom du père Farid, qu'on appelle Cheikh Farid Hamadé fils et petit fils et arrière petit fils des cheikhs Akl Druze. Trois  lignées de Chefs politico-spirituelles sur plusieurs siècles. 

Vous savez qu'il y a toujours eu les deux formations politiques : Yazbaki et  Joumbalatti . Ces trois cheikh Akl étaient des Yazbakis.Ne pas dire  "Areslani" car les Areslan sont des Yazbakis. 
Le Premier était Cheikh  Mouhamad Hamadé .
Le Deuxième Cheikh Hussein Hamadé. 
Le troisième Cheikh Rachid Hamadé mon grand père décédé en 1970 . 

Cheikh Farid Hamadé était un fervent défenseur de la souveraineté du Liban, et n'a cessé de combattre jusqu'au dernier souffle contre la barbarie et l'hégémonie qui dominaient notre patrie en général et le Chouf en particulier. Il faut savoir que les Hamadé et précisément cette lignée, étaient de tous temps les alliés et les défenseurs de la liberté; le prix payé est secondaire. Même les responsables d'aujourd'hui, ont compris notre combat en faveur de la dignité humaine... Mais sont-ils assez libres pour continuer jusqu'au bout? 

Les combats des grands hommes tel que Cheikh Farid Hamadé, en faveur de la Souveraineté, et de  la Liberté étaient qualifiés de "traîtrise" par les ennemis du Liban .... A l'heure actuelle monsieur Joumblatt lui-même s'inspire de leur modèle après avoir essayé de les empêcher par tous les moyens pour mener à bien leur noble combat... Il n'est jamais tard de faire en sorte que la Raison chère à la communauté Druzes l'emporte à la fin !!! 

J'ai grandi dans ma maison de Baakline, avec sur les murs, une photos grandeur nature: Celle de mon grand-père le Cheikh Akl cheikh Rachid Hamadé , à ses côtés le patriarche Maronite Monseigneur Méouchi. Le Chouf, c'est cela ! > Aujourd'hui je crois que tout le monde a compris que le Chouf ne doit pas être divisé...

 Le Chouf , c'est la colonne vertébrale du Liban. La survie du Liban dépend de cette structure indémontable. Indémontable car les vieux sages de la montagne, qui ont durant toute leur vie, construit des ponts, entre les Hommes, sont toujours présents  afin de veiller à ce que le Bien l'emporte toujours. 

Enfin, je vis à Montpellier momentanément. Notre maison de Baakline avait été détruite par les amoureux de la Liberté, et  toujours pas reconstruite. Je vous parle de la maison des trois Cheikh Akl  ...Cette maison était construite sur un lieu de prière; Elle avait été construite au même endroit où le Prince Fakhreddine était né, un puits qu'on appelle le puits de Fakhreddine témoigne de tout cela . 
Elle symbolise la co-existance entre tous. Par son histoire et également par sa destruction... 
Aujourd'hui, c'est vers notre propre construction qu'il faudra se tourner. C'est un peu pour tout ce que je vous dis que je félicite des courageux  comme vous à continuer cette forme de contribution "noble" pour la survie de  notre Chouf !!


Amicalement Khaled F Hamadé 
Date de naissance 14/03/1961 
Lieu de naissance Baakline/Casa du Chouf 
Trois enfants  Farid:16 ans, Makram: 15 ans et Sarah: 8 ans 
Marié à Zeina Adel Noujaim 
A Montpellier/France depuis 1990 
e-Mail :

Samir Najem Hamade - PhD in Information Science from Drexel University, USA. MLIS in Library Science from Indiana University, USA. BA Arabic Language & Literature from the Lebanese University (LU), Lebanon.
Associate Professor, King Saud University
KSU P.O.Box 2456 - Riyadh 11451, Saudi Arabia
Baakleen, Al-Shouf - 1950
Record Last Updated on May 29, 2000
Record Created on May 29, 2000
Bahzad Kassem Hamadeh - Lived in Beirut(Siar) in the near of Hotel Dieu Hospital. Studied in Ashrafieh The Good Shepherd Sec. School. At the beginning of the Seventies worked in Hamra at SONATE records sales. 1976 left to Africa and worked until 1980 and eversince emigrated to Germany. I'll be very delighted to hear from school friends or any body who knows me.
Social Worker, Diakonie
Löhner Street 204 - 32120 Hiddenhausen, Germany
Baakline El Chouf - 1950
Record Created on December 14, 2001
Maymoun Jamil Khoder
Chemical Engineer. General Manager, Biotechnology International
P.O. Box: 27747 - Dubai, UAE
Baakline, Al Shouf - 1970
Record Created on November 16, 1998
Raed K. Rajeh
Student, AUD
Dubai, UAE
Baakline-Alshouf - 1980 
Record Created on October 18, 1999
Maher Daoud El-Dahouk - For my friends to see and find me.
Systems Support Analyst, Nabisco Canada
Balliol Str - Toronto, Canada
Baakleen El-Shouf - 1970
Record Created on December 18, 1998
Fuad S. Abi-Ajram
San Diego, California, USA
Baakline, Shouf - 1981 -
Record Last Updated on November 13, 2000
Record Created on October 22, 1999
Ryan Salaheddine - Like to reunite with old friends and meet new ones. I'm a Microsoft Certified Systems Engineer and currently working with Superb Internet Corporation. (
Technical Support Specialist, MCSE, MCP +I, Superb Internet
6007 Ontario St. - Vancouver, B.C, Canada
Baakline, Bzebdine (El-Shouf, El-maten) - 1976 -
Record Last Updated on April 8, 2000
Record Created on May 28, 1998
Chafic Daoud Dimachki - Hi, I was born in Chayah, Beirut. I came to Australia 33 years ago and I been living in Melbourne since. I am married to Joumana and we have 3 children 1 daughter Najla (24Yrs) and 2 sons Marwan (22Yrs) & Arkan (21Yrs). Through my work as a mastre of ceremoney, I have made lots of friends among Lebanese singers and artists who have visited Australia. I am interested in working with other lebanese singers and musicians from around the world, so if you are one or you know anyone, I'll be very interested to hear from you.
Master Of Ceremony, Lebanese Entertainment Pty.Ltd
56 Carroll Road - Oakleigh South Victoria, Australia
Baacline el-Shouf - 1950
Record Last Updated on November 16, 2000
Record Created on November 4, 2000
 Ramzi Amine Abouchakra
Project Manager, Ahmadieh
P.O.BOX 446 Safat, Kuwait 13005, Kuwait
Baakleen, Shouf - 1958
Record Created on July 18, 2001



Louay Hassan Hassan
Santiago, Chile
Bakaa al-Shouf - 1974
Record Created on April 14, 2001





Barja (CANADA, ...)

Salah Mouhamed Ramadan - Je suis actuellement en France, je suis attaché par le Liban et j'aimerais bien y aller bientôt.
PHD Student in Organic Chemistry, Lace
69100 Villeurbanne, France
Barja el Chouf - 1979 -

Record Created on July 27th, 2003
Khaled Samer Zhort
College Student
Union City, New Jersey, USA
Barja, Shouf
Record Created on November 21, 2000
Said Faouzi Ghosn - Hello There! If you would like to know more about me, U can visit my home page.
Nepean, Canada
Barja, Chouf - 1958 -
Record Last Updated on November 13, 1998
Record Created on March 1, 1998
Said Z. Jannoun
UN Employee, United Nations
Beirut, Lebanon
Barja El-Shouf - 1968
Record Last Updated on August 29, 2000
Record Created on March 28, 2000
Ali Yassine El Zaart
B.Sc & M.Sc in Computer Sciences
Nepean, Ontario, Canada
Barja, El-Chouf - 1968
Record Last Updated on November 28, 2000
Record Created on November 18, 2000


Barouk (WORLD, ...)

Rania Joseph Mouchantaf - Salamat, I was born in Beirut. My dad comes from the ever
beautiful shouf mountains and my mom (Camilia Deeba) if from Jdeida South of Lebanon.
Montreal, Canada
Barouk/Shouf Mountains
Record Created on July 16th, 2004
Tarek Chafic El Halabi
Namur, Belgium
Barouk/Chouf - 1976
Record Created on January 2nd, 2004
Laura Nazih Amatoury - Im from Barouk el Chouf, currently living in California. Going to school and managing venice shoes company.
Orange, CA, USA
Barouk, elChouf - 1986

Record Created on May 22nd, 2003

Jason Amatoury
Computer/Biomedical Engineering Student
Sydney, Australia
Barouk al Shouf - 1982
Record Created on November 5, 2000
Fouad Halawi
Chartered Marketer/Economics/International Relations, Integrated Technology Marketing Group International
London, UK
Barouk, el Shouf - 1977
Record Last Updated on October 29, 2000
Record Created on May 4, 2000
Usama Miguel Mahmud Abu Said - I am the son of malik mahmud and may beatriz abu said. I am a student an have 7 years old i like to swim. and we have here invenezuela the BEST BEACHES IN THE WORLD.i like to visit lebanon with my family.and i have a smaller brother named samer.
Student, Angel Mottola
calle buenos aires - Puerto la cruz , anzoategui, Venezuela
barouk-el chouf - 1990
Record Created on November 3, 1997
Khaled M. Mahmoud - I left Lebanon to Dubai in 1978 and till today I lived here!I established my company in 1988 and main activity is exports & imports by air & sea from and to all over the world.We do packing house hold items and Door to Door delivery any phone nr:00971 50 6455475 and office 00971 4 3967705 and fax:00971 4 3964676
Business man, Al Waleed Shipping
Dubai, UAE
Al Barouk/Al Shouf - 1960
Record Created on November 18, 2001
Khaled M. Hassoun - I left my beautiful village in Al Barouk 1978 and I came to Dubai work public relation officer in the Hotel for 1 year then I work for UASCO for 10 years as a marketing then from 1988 I established my own Shipping Co world wide service. I'm married to an Asian girl with 2 girls and 1 boy.I love hunting/Fishing and to smell the wind of my village in Al Barouk.
Employer, Al Waleed Shipping
Dubai, UAE
Al Barouk/Al Shouf - 1960
Record Created on June 17, 2001



Alaa Hassan - Hey im from Batloun al Shouf but living in Australia to complete my course
looking forward to go back to Lebanon.
Batloun al Shouf - 1985
Record Created on August 30th, 2004
Hind Hassan Kais - I am married to Fadi Sleiman Kais and I have a son named Jad. Although I was born in Australia, I enjoy the life in Lebanon around family and friends. I work as a Laboratory Technician in Genetics at the Women's and Children's Hospital in Adelaide, S.A. I would love to hear from all of my Lebanese relatives around the world.
Laboratory Technician
South Australia, Australia
Batloun El-Shouf - 1973

Record Created on October 25th, 2002

Fadi Sleiman Kais - I have been a resident of Australia since June 2001,with my wife Hind and my son Jad. Some day I would like to go back to Lebanon. I would like to get to know all the Lebanese people and especially my Kais relatives around the world.
Computer Programmer/Taxi Driver
South Australia, Australia
Batloun el-Shouf - 1971

Record Created on October 15th, 2002

Nidal A. Abusaleh - I take this opportunity to send my regards to all Lebanese Sisters and Brothers around the world... May God Bless u all.
IT Student
Second Avenue, Kingswood - Sydney, Australia
Battloun, el Chouf - 1981 -

Record Created on September 7th, 2002
Lena Kais - I am Druze living in the States. Yet, my love for Lebanon is very strong.
Saginaw, MI, USA
Betloun - 1979
Record Created on October 8, 1999
Imad (Andrew) Kamaleddine - Marhaba!!! I love to chat and keep in touch with other Lebanese People SO PLEASE FEEL FREE TO CONTACT ME!!! :o) Shookrun! If you wanna chat you are more then welcome...
Sundre, Alberta, Canada
Batloun Al-Shouf - 1980
Record Last Updated on April 15, 1999
Record Created on October 29, 1998
Rami Kemaleddine - Marhaba, First of all GO SAFA GO. I love Lebanon, always visit. Would love to get to know more Lebanese. So e-mail me. I am on my first year of Mgmt at GMCC. Take Care.
Student, GMCC
Edmonton Alberta, Canada
Batloun, Shouf - 1980
Record Last Updated on April 15, 1999
Record Created on November 26, 1998
Khalid (Kelly) Kamaleddine - I like to play Hockey, Basketball, Baseball and swim. So if you love sports and Lebanon as much as I do E-Mail me. I am from Batloon and love my home town and country. Right now I live in Sundre Alberta Canada. In Lebanon I live in Baqataa, Shouf for know.
Sundre, Alberta, Canada
Battloon El-Chouf - 1987
Record Last Updated on October 11, 1999
Record Created on March 15, 1999
Samir M. Kamal Eddine - We are interested to hear about our relatives or friends who will visit this page.
Banking, Mashreq Bank
Abu Dhabi, UAE
Batloun El Chouf - 1966
Record Created on June 13, 2000
Tarek Ghaleb Hassan - I am Lebanese 23 old I live in Florida. Lebanon is the best with all its problems. I love my country. I am a good falk dancer and I play music because I like music...
Falk Dance and Music
Orlando FL, USA
Batloun al Shouf
Record Created on June 30, 2000
Bahige Samir Takieddine - I am currently living in Dubai - Left Lebanon in April 1998. I got married in 1999 to Sondos El-Khalil who gave birth to my daughter Hala on the 31st of January 2000.
Regional Manager, ALCATEL
PO BOX 34382 - Dubai, UAE
Baakline El Shouf - 1968
Record Created on April 24, 2000
Samir Fayez Bou Saleh - Born in batloun,al shouf,lived in jeddah ksa. for 18yrs,living in dubai for the past 3yrs,married with two great boys wessam and tamer.hope to hear from friends and relatives,good luck to the lebanese comunity all over the world.
Managing Director, Al tenmia food est.
Dubai, UAE
Batloun, Al shouf - 1957
Record Created on June 10, 2000
Linda Hassan - Hi everybody I hope that Lebanon will be out of problems and I hope to hear about relatives from my beautiful village. And when these problems finish I will go back to Lebanon.....
Monaco, France
Batloun el Chouf - 1984
Record Last Updated on March 13, 2001
Record Created on February 10, 2001


Bater (WORLD, ...)

Manar Hassan Khattar - A lebanese gurl livin' with my family in Paris, I'll b glad 2 chat with
ppl 5asatan lebnanieh... I'm studing in the Sorbonne univ... Well... I like it here... but I
miss lebnan 2 much, just wanna say that Lebanon need us guys so try 2 help even if we r
far away... Keep smillin' so u can always b strong... &... God bless us...
Paris, France
Bater, el Chouf - 1985
Record Created on August 31st, 2004
Yehya Khattar - Ana eben Kamal Fouad Khattar. Ana bet3alam bi Bellarouss wa ana kter b7ebkoun wa b7eb Bater wa Liban.
Minsk, Belarus
Bater al Chouf - 1981

Record Created on April 27th, 2003

Adham Khattar - My name is Adham, I'm studying in Belarassia, in the veterinary surgeon. I'm from BATER.
Vitebsk, Belarus
Bater el Shouf - 1981

Record Created on April 27th, 2003

Maissoun Tabet - I am a Lebanese female living in the United Arab Emirates since 1993, working in Bank in Dubai since 1997.
P.O.Box: 22128 - Sharjah, UAE
Bather, el Shouf - 1968

Record Created on September 29th, 2002

Doja Safi - A 'Big Hello' to all the LEBANESE people out there...Allah y'2awikon wayne ma kinto... To all my my relatives and friends --> I wish you all the BEST and drop me a call or a msg. To all those who don't know me --> I hope we become friends. Au Revoir... and hope to see you soon online... :-) PS: I have a BSBA in Finance & MIS from American University of Sharjah (AUS).
Treasury & Capital Mkts, ADIC
Abu Dhabi, UAE
Bater, Chouf - 1977

Record Last Updated on October 19th, 2002
Record Created on May 18th, 2002
Marwan Wadih Tabet
Spare Parts Manager, Alswailem
Bater al-Chouf, Lebanon
Bater al-Chouf - 1953

Record Created on January 30th, 2002
Mario Lucio de Freitas - My mother, Zeina Hamdan, came to Brasil in 1964. The Hamdan Faimily came from Batter Chouf to Beirut when my Granpa Adel Hamdan became a Judge. He was also a religious leader of the Druses. I've been to Lebanon in 1972, 1980 and 1994; this last time with my wife Adriana and Pedro (my son). My family (Nabil, Nana and Mme. Najla Hamdan) still lives in Ramlet Baida, boulevard Building, besides the Hospital, and we wish to return very soon. We live now in a small town in Brazil where we represent the Brahma beer company and Pepsi Cola. We'd also like to get in touch with some people we haven't seen for a long time like Makram, Ramsey, Adel, Zaid, Alia and Fouad Hamdan who are wondering around the World. My email can be spread in the White Pages freely. We love Lebanon and forever will!
Commerce/Accounting, Distribuidora de Bebidas Dinâmica Ltda
Rua Benjamin Constant, 25 - CP 036 - JK - Tres Marias - Minas Gerais, Brazil
Batter - 1966
Record Created on April 13, 1999

Bchatfeen (USA , GULF, ...)

Basel Ajaj Fayad
Supervisor in Cafe Najjar (Coffee Shope), M D C Al-Moaibed Groub
Al Manama, Bahrain
Bshatfeen, Chouf - 1976

Record Created on August 6th, 2002
Sami Afif Fayad - my icq# is: 69335155. Pls feel free to contact me specially if u r fayad or u like Ziad.
Customer Service Supervisor, Napco Cosumer Product Company - INDEVCO
Khobar, Saudi Arabia
Bchatfeen, Chouf - 1970
Record Created on July 26, 2000
Hala Fayad - AUB Graduate '94, I.C.'87. PhD candidate in Groundwater Management.I love Poetry, Religion and Philosophy. I was a Girlscout; I enjoy Picnics and campings.
PhD candidate, Utah State University
USU box 1791 - LOGAN , UT 84322, USA
Bchatfeen, El-Shouf - 1970
Record Created on October 29, 1996
Jamal & Daniel Nasser Fayad
Moscow, Russia
Bchetfin, Shouf
Record Created on June 18, 2001
Marwan Youssef Fayad - I like sport, Hunting and I love party.I have a high sence of humor and I like people of my kind.send Emails with jokes.
Lebanese Army
7ai 3ain bouhsain - Bchetfin, Shouf, Lebanon
Bchetfin - 1965
Record Created on June 18, 2001
Nasser Youssef Fayad - I live and practice law in the United States.I like to meet new friends and get in touch with my old friends. Please feel free to contact me.
PH.D International Human Rights Law.Russian Academy of Sciences. Institute of St
2419 E.Tremont Ct. - Richmond, VA 23225, USA
Bchetfin, Shouf - 1966
Record Last Updated on November 27, 2001
Record Created on June 17, 2001
Amer Fayad
PhD Candidate in Plant Pathology, Virginia Polyechnic Institute and State University
Virginia, USA
Bshatfine Al-Chouf - 1973 -
Record Created on June 25, 2001



Jad Nadim Lahoud - Proud to be Lebanese...
President / CEO, Lahoud & Hardan Enterprises, Inc.
1450 Madruga Ave.#400 - Coral Gables, FL, USA
Beiteddine, Chouf - 1963 -
Record Created on August 4, 2000


Maroun D. Moussallem - Hello, I am a PH.D. student at Florida state university in the
Chemistry Department. Do not hesitate to drop me a line, GO NOLES!!!
Chemist, Florida State University
Tallahassee, USA
Bireh-Chouf - 1978
Record Created on March 29th, 2004
Emmanuel Khoury - Just looking to get to know about the lebanese diaspora and communicate with the lebanese throughout the world, some info on piloting opportunities in lebanon, tambien amistades del Libano en america latina y Espana,seria muy interesante de hablarles , amici libanesi nel Italia che c'e per la? et bien sur tout ceux qui sont en France ou au Quebec et avec qui nous pourrions echanger...
Student pilot-steward
Montreal-vancouver, Canada
El Bireh-Chouf / El Hazmieh - 1975
Record Created on June 7, 2000
Camille Youssef Khoury - I like to know if you have an adress to: roger youssef el khoury, living in baabda, hi is from BIRI-el-chouf. Thank-you.
Electromécanicien, Student
6030renoir app5 - Montreal, Canada
Biri el Chouf - 1960
Record Created on May 21, 2001


Marwan Alabani - I'm a male from Lebanese origin, and I'm interested in meeting other lebanese. Just Email me.
Florida, USA
Bmahray, el Shouf - 1985

Record Last Updated on October 31st, 2002
Record Created on October 28th, 2002

Linda Rabah - If your first name is Walid, born in feb/2/1967, lived in Aley. Email me...
Florida, USA

Record Created on October 28th, 2002


Amal Loutfi - My Name is Amal Loutfi. I have been in Canada for 15 years Know. I am a graduate student in economics from Montreal Univercity. I am originaly from El-shouf, my village named El-Bougaine. I have a small business for budget Consulting. I love travelling, computers and science.
Economist, Bugette Consulting Inc.
8530 Lacordaire - Montreal, Canada
El-Shouf -
Record Last Updated on October 15, 1999
Record Created on January 9, 1999


Maher Afif Alali
Restaurant Manager
Dubai, UAE
Brih el Chouffe - 1978
Record Created on January 25th, 2003
Mishal Najib Youssef - I'm a lebanese student studying in Ukraine, I'm very glad to see such a web site to know each others as lebanese people.
En. Mechanics
Lviv, Ukraine
Brih el Shouf - 1980
Record Created on May 21st, 2004


Bsaba (USA , FRANCE, ...)

Moufid Ahmad Machmouchi - Hi eveybody, just a short line to express my sincere gratitude
to all of you and hope that peace and prosperity will florish in our beloved country.
Architect, OBHM
Malden / MA, USA
Bsaba el-Chouf - 1962
Record Created on April 5th, 2004
Nazem Walid Akoum
Resident Physician, Indiana University School of Medicine
Indianapolis IN, USA
Bsaba, Shouf - 1978

Record Created on December 24th, 2002

Abdel Hadi Akoum
Sales Director, Airbus Industries
Toulouse, France
Bsaba el Chouf - 1964
Record Created on April 6, 2000
Ahmad Salim Al-Akoum
Product Development And Quality Engineer, Intel Corporation
Chandler, Arizona, USA
Bsaba Al-Shouf - 1962
Record Created on April 19, 1999
Omar Ahmad Al-Akoum
Thésard - doctorat
Compiegne, France
Bsaba el-Chouf - 1973
Record Last Updated on September 30, 2000
Record Created on September 13, 2000
Hicham Ahmad Machmouchi - I am like everyone of you a Lebanese national. I am a University Lecturer, currently employed at Cranfield University - United Kingdom. My role in the School of Aeronautical and Mechanical Engineering is Director of Gas Turbine and Oil Industry training programmes. I, constantly miss my beloved Lebanon, especially my lovely village Bsaba. Bsaba is a very small village. It is a typical Lebanese entity with a touch of beauty. It is located north east of Saida and it faces Albarouk & Neiha mountains. One of its beautiful spots is the river Alawwali. Alawwali is fed by Jizzene and Bater falls which are visible from Bsaba. It runs from these sources all the way to end its journey into the Mediterranean Sea north of Saida. My best and warmest regards to all the Lebanese communities all over the world.
Professor of Aeronautical and Mechanical Engineering, Cranfield University
Bsaba El-Shouf, Lebanon
Bsaba - 1961 
Record Created on May 24, 2001



Fadi R. Zeineddine
Camera Operator, Zain Video
Washington DC, USA
Boutmeh, Al Shouf
Record Created on December 27, 1999
Robert Anthony Davis - Ahlin Wah Sahlin, My name is Bobby Daibis Bastany, and I play the Oud In a Lebanese band called The Cedars. We have two profesional recordings out and are planning our third. I love Lebanon and everything about Lebanon.
Musician/Teacher/Electrician, McCann Tech.
261 State Street - North Adams, MA, USA
Butmi/Shouf Blouza/Wadi Kunu Been - 1954
Record Created on December 9, 1996
Nadine Robehmed - Hi my name is Nadine. I came to America during the war but I moved to Lebanon in 1994 to try if we could live there again but after 3 years we decided to move back to the states. I love Lebanon & I go there every year for summer vacation. It's the best country ever!!! Ya Habibi Lebanon!!!
College student
29 castle place - New Rochelle, NY, USA
Butmeh, El Shouf - 1981
Record Created on November 1, 1999


Hicham Daher - "La propagande est aux démocraties ce que la violence est aux
dictatures". Have you ever touched what lies beyond the truth of words???
Ph.D Student in Finance, Lille Graduate School of Business
Lille, France
Chehim/Chouf - 1979
Record Created on January 4th, 2005
Samir Mourad  - yekhallili yekon ya rab :) lak ... ahla 3alam! ;) I was born in England; parents both Lebanese. Lived in Lebanon between the age of 2 and 16 years. After graduating from UNL in London, I worked for British Telecom, and PSInet right after. Currently working for Vodafone as well as doing an MPhil/Phd alongside my full time work. Like most "international" Lebanese, I'm planning to permanently live in Lebanon... "eventually"... take care.
Senior (Computer) Networks Security Engineer / Manager, Vodafone
London, UK
Shheem, Chouf - 1975

Record Created on January 21st, 2003

Mohammed Anwar Hajjar - I studied in the United States, lived in Canada where I'ved worked at Andersen Consulting... Presently I am a consultant for a group of companies in Saudi Arabia. Drop me an e-mail and tell me a little about you.
Director of Strategic Development, Fakieh Group
Jeddah, Saudi Arabia
Cheheem, Chouf - 1966

Record Created on September 8th, 2002
Ziad Atef Achour
Avocat - DEA droit, Université Nancy 2
Vandoeuvre les Nancy, France
Chhim/Chouf - 1975

Record Created on February 8th, 2002

Dahr El Maghara

Chebli Milad Dagher - Ahlan Wa Sahlan, Kif el Jame3a Liaoum :) I was searching for some Lebanese links and I came to this site, its very heart warming to see the dedication put into this site and into many other sites which help us to feel at home hence we left our beloved Lebanon after the tragic war, I come from a village called Dahr El Maghara near Damour bil Shouff, and I have currently just finished my third last year of high school, as I will be in year 11 next year, any way if ya wanna chat or feel lonely plz dont hesitate to give me a buzz I would sincerely love to meet other full blooded Lebanese who care and love their country so much, IF any of my relatives are reading this at the moment (I HOPE SO) I just want you to know all the DAGHER'S in Sydney, And Melbourne miss you dearly and are looking forward to talking to you and meeting you through God's thrength, May God look upon the Holy Land with mercy and keep it in Peace and Prosperity! KEEP IN TOUCH, Love Chebli Milad Dagher. PS: May all of Lebanon have a happy and glorious Christmas and a wonderful New Year, may the new Millenium bring with it a better future for our homeland... :)
High School Student
Bankstown, NSW, Australia
Dahr El Maghara - 1983 -
Record Created on December 9, 1999


Antoine Nehme - Hi. I'm Lebanese, I live in France and I would like to meet Lebanese people living in Lebanon or in any other countries.
Food & Beverage Consultant
Paris, France
Damour, al Chouf - 1974

Record Created on December 28th, 2002

Nagib A. Metni - I was born in Lebanon. I did my studies in the School of Champville, and got my BE in Mehanical Engineering from the American University of Beirut (AUB). I am now in Paris for my PhD thesis in Robotics.
Phd Student
Paris, France
Damour / Chouf - 1979 -

Record Last Updated on January 18th, 2003
Record Created on January 13th, 2003

Pierre K. Damian - I'm originally from Damour (chouf). I left Lebanon in 1988 to canada.
Computer Programmer
743 boulevard St. Joseph - Hull Quebec j8y 4b6, Canada
Chouf - 1970
Record Last Updated on September 23, 1999
Record Created on April 21, 1997
Tony J. Serhal - I'm curently in the Great USA Los Angeles area state of CA. Self employed, Eager to move back just like all other lebanese but there is no (incentive) for us, one should be created by the Lebanese government if we mean anything to them after all Israel brought its from all over why not lebanon?
Los Angeles, CA, USA
Al Damour, AL shouf, Jabal Lobnan - 1952
Record Created on June 5, 1998
Elie Toufic Chalhoub - I'm from Damour in the chouf area and I Love a lot my country Lebanon. I do work in Paris for an Internet company.
Programmer, Tele Groupe
7 rue de Turbigo - Paris 75001, France
Damour - 1971
Record Created on May 3, 2001


Mohamed Ahmed Basbous
Civil Engineer, C.E.T.E
Montreal / Quebec, Canada
Daraya - Chouf - 1970
Record Created on October 6, 2000
Sebastien Beyh - I'm a Masters Engineer specialized in Telecommunications and Multimedia. I have left Lebanon since 1980, I'm interested in meeting Lebanese people world wide. I spent about 14 years of my life in France where I growed up. Since 1996, I'm travelling the world for business and fun.
Chairman, Mediterranean Investing Group
Asian Far-East - Bangkok, Thailand
Daraya-Chouf - 1967 
Record Created on March 24, 2000
Bilal Hussein Abdul-Kader - I am studying Computer Science, and I am currently in my 4th year(1996).I enjoy working out, jogging and swimming.
Student, Lakehead University
Empire Ave. - Thunder Bay, Canada
Daraya El-Shouf, Lebanon - 1972
Record Created on November 14, 1996
Khaldoun Omar Nasreddine - I'm from Daraya El Chouf. I'm a civil engineer and I'm preparing my Phd thesis in Ecole Nationale des Ponts et Chaussées in Paris.
Phd Student, LCPC
Paris, France
Daraya - 1976
Record Last Updated on December 14, 2001
Record Created on October 29, 2001



Cosette Boustany Yacoub
Paris 75013, France
Debbiyeh / Chouf - 1976
Record Created on November 1st, 2004
Fouad Tamer Boustani - I have been outside Lebanon for ten years. My main sport activities are: Squash, ping-pong, tennis and scuba diving. My hobbies are contributing actively in non profit organisations and travelling a lot.
Manager, International business development for the middle-East, National Bank of Canada
720 Montpellier, # 1012 - St. Laurent, quebec, Canada
Debbieh, Chouf - 1960
Record Last Updated on March 25, 2000
Record Created on March 25, 1999
Mansour Rasheed Boustany - Born in Debbieh Al-Shouf. I woulkd appreciate hints about places to visit, people to meet who are of interest of the following subjects. Good cooks who would like to share their food experience. Hints about restaurants, hotels and good chefs to review and interview. If you know any place, anyone you think of interest or if you like to share your own food recipes and hints with me, please E-mail or mail me at the above adresses. or visit my Home Page at the above web address. Thanks, (MANI) Mansour.
president, Gourmet Take Away A multimedia global company, travel, food, wine, vid 190 - Boxford, Ma., USA
Debbieh, Doueir 
Record Last Updated on August 14, 2000
Record Created on July 27, 2000


Deir Dourit

Rita Youssef
Computer Analyst
Vancouver, Canada
Deir Dourit - Chouf
Record Last Updated on September 21, 1999
Record Created on September 18, 1999


Alfred George Wanis - I love Lebanon
Chouf, Deir el-Qamar, Lebanon
Record Created on June 22nd, 2004
Jean-Paul G. Yammine - I'm from Deir El Kamar Chouf, goldsmith since 12 years. "IKORO DLEBNAN ETIHEB LEH"
General Manager, Al Jaber & Al Mahmood Jewellery
Al Sadd - Doha, Qatar
Deir el Kamar - 1976
Record Last Updated on August 23rd, 2004
Record Created on August 8th, 2004
Michael Anthony Bechara (Bradstreet) - I'm a manager in a local hospital. I'm in search of my family in Lebanon. All I have of my family is a letter that my uncle received in 1970? My grandmother Firida Bechara was the sister of Tackla (Bechara) Ziade from Deir El Kamar, Chouf. Tackla and Abdo Ziade were married in 1920's? They had two sons; Ziade and Bechara, and three daughters Angele, Jamal and Mahabeh. They should all be in their late 60's-70's? Tackla and Abdo's grandchildren are granddaughter Mona (47yrs. old) that married a French Teacher Tony Antonios that live in Kfarnabrakh. Lebanon. Grandson Abdo Ziade(40-50 yrs. old?) is an electrician and still lives in the Deir El Kamar area? Any information you could give me would be appreciated. Thank you and God Bless.
Hospital Director, Acadia Hospital
Alton, Maine, USA
Deir el Kamar, Chouf - 1953

Record Created on January 20th, 2003
Bechara Y. Ghorayeb - I'm an otolaryngologist-head and neck surgeon. I'm in private practice in Houston, Texas.
Doctor, Bechara Y. Ghorayeb, MD
8830 Long Point, Suite 806 - Houston, Texas 77055, USA
Deir-El-Kamar - 1945 - 
Record Last Updated on November 3, 2000
Record Created on June 22, 1997

Jad Nadim Boustani
Hedge Funds
Geneva, Switzerland
Deir El-Kamar, Chouf - 
Record Last Updated on November 21, 2004
Record Created on June 13, 2000
Kamal N. Yammine - Hi, I am a Lebanese living in montreal Canada... However I go to Lebanon almost every 2 years. I would be very pleased to have some contasct with my relatives... thx
Montreal, Canada
Deir-El-Kamar, Chouf - 1980
Record Created on January 17, 2000
Racha N. Yammine - I am Lebanese and proud of it, got to Canada in 1990, but I go to Lebanon every summer to visit my friends and family. My main interests are Eddy, Eddy, Eddy, and then le scoutisme. Je fais partie de ce mouvement depuis 1986, je suis Akela.
Étudiante en Informatique de gestion, HEC
Montreal, Canada
Deir-El-Kamar, Chouf - 1977 -
Record Last Updated on October 8, 1999
Record Created on February 9, 1999
Jihad E. Nehme - ALBA graduate in 1981. Based in France, working in Interior Design concept and contracting - turn key projects - in Europe and worldwide.
Architect - Interior Designer
13, Ave. Gutenberg - 92800 Puteaux, France
Deir El Kamar - Maaser El Chouf - 1960
Record Created on April 8, 2000
Wilson Mansur De Aguiar - I am a proud grandson that had heard a lot of histories about this lovely piece of earth. My mother grandparents came to Florianopolis - South Brazil in 1905, their names were Salim Mansur Yossef and Marian Mbarak Nastir. I dream to visit Lebanon one of these days.
Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Deir-El-Qamar & Mazraat Ed Dahr (Chouf) - 1950
Record Last Updated on August 20, 2000
Record Created on August 11, 2000
Mazen Ghazi Hourani - HI everybody, My name is Mazen.I wanna meet every person from Deir Mimas/Lebanon. Hobbies:Basket, Football.Music..... Please write 2 me, in french or english....
Deir El Kamar - Chouf, Lebanon
Deir Mimas - 1985
Record Created on February 3, 2001
Cyrine Abdo Nehmé - Well, to start. I was born in a beautiful village, in the Chouf, its name is Dei-El-Kamar. Then I moved to Beyrouth to continue my studies. I had a maitrise in Physics in The Lebanese UNiversity. And last year I did a DEA in Astrophysics in Paris. Now I am in my first Year of PhD, in Astronomy. I live in Paris, and I love Leb, but I don't intend to go back, unless, every smell of a syrian army is retired. Cheers
Chercheur, Etudiante, Astronomie, CNRS
Paris 14ème, France
Deir el-Kamar - 1978
Record Last Updated on November 30, 2001
Record Created on November 30, 2001


Leïla Anis Ghannam - Marhaba, I’m from Dmit-El Chouf, oh yeh I miss my village, my family, all my friends and my country. Now I live at Pau (France), very nice place near to ocean and to Atlantic- Pyrénées mountains. I’m PHD student and I work on the synthesis of pigments for cosmetic applications. I would like to get some contacts with people from my country living everywhere in the world, and especially from my Family and living in France. Et si jamais vous êtes de passage à Pau et vous avez besoin d’un coup de main, n’hésitez pas!!!
PhD Student, Ecole des Mines d'Alès
Pau, France
Dmit, el Chouf - 1979
Record Created on July 26th, 2004ïla_ghannam/


Faysal M. Hasan
4 monroe Rd - Marblehead, MA 01945, USA
Etrine, Shouf - 1944

Record Created on February 17th, 2003



Selim W. Mansour - Proud of my Lebanese Heritage. Equally proud of those Lebanese who made it via migration. Let us not forget where our grand fathers & grand mothers lie! for Lebanon is eternal life to us all.
IT Manager, Aristocrat Leisure Industries
Sydney NSW, Australia
Fouara (Chouf) - 1962
Record Created on February 16, 1999
Simon G. Haddad - Greetings fellow Lebanese from around the world. I spent the year of 1996 in Lebanon for my very first time. Although I was born in Australia and lived in Canada, I now know Lebanon inside out. Check out the homepage for the villages of Khirbet Kanafar and Maaser El Chouf at
Information Technologist, BHP Information Technology
1 Torrens Crescent,Pennington, SA 5013 - Adelaide, Australia
Khirbet Kanafar(Bekaa Valley) , Fouarra (Chouf Mountains) - 1971 
Record Last Updated on May 17, 2000
Record Created on October 30, 1997



Eliane Georges Gedeon
Medical Doctor, Pediatric Resident, KMU
Kaunas, Lithuania
Freidiss, El Chouf - 1972
Record Last Updated on February 18, 2000
Record Created on November 17, 1997



Mike Hamdan   <>
Denise Harb - I love Lebanon and I want know lebanese friends. Can you Write me? I speak arabic, italian, spanish and english language.
Rome, Italy
Garifeh al Chouf - 1992

Record Created on February 26th, 2003

Johanna Moulic Abu Hamdan - I'm half-Filipino, half-Lebanese. I'm looking for my real father, and my older brother, both are Fouad Abu Hamdan from Gharifeh El-Shouf. Any kind of information counts. Please contact me. (Note: I do not desire a reunion, only some information of their whereabouts and their personal condition.) Thank you!
Sociology Student
Quezon City, Philippines

Record Created on August 4th, 2003

Marwan Abou Hamdan - Born & grew up in Lebanon, Moved to the states early 1987, brought with me our beautiful culture & ethics.
Construction Management
Dearborn, MI, USA
Gharifeh, el Shouf - 1963

Record Created on May 26th, 2003

Amal Abou-Hamden - One of Soeur Frossine's "Ecole Secondaire Nationale" amdassadors to the world!!
Neurosurgery Registrar
Adelaide, Australia
Gharife, el Shouf

Record Created on June 10th, 2003

Jay Bouhamdan - I am from Lebanon gharife' el chouf ex navy officer for 26 yrs would love to find new friends and get in toutch with old relatives, friends and colleagues in the Leb and France navy and army.
Car Business, Dome Port Auto & Truck
Edmonton, Alberta, Canada
Gharife' - 1947

Record Last Updated on April 14th, 2002
Record Created on April 14th, 2002
Mohamad F. Abou Hamdan - Lebanon will always be in my heart. I miss the life in the village... I like ELZAJAL ELUBNANI, oof oof oof...Ya Lubnan AL3oyoun Aldahr Mali//Watan Gayrak Bekill Alkawn Mali //Wmahma Beard Gorbeh Jma3et Mali//Beardak Mish Methel Habet Trab...**** Mahma Ya Watan 3annak Ba3edna// Mna3ref Mish Rah Btehwa Ba3edna// Wbehobbak Mithel Ma Kenna Ba3edna// Wma Nassana ELwatan Tool ELgeyab...** Ya Rab Raje3 3alwatan Geyabena*** Ya Mejana Ya Mejana Ya Mejana.....
Management Retail/Hospitality
Toronto Ontario, Canada
Gharifeh EL-Chouf

Record Last Updated on November 6th, 2002
Record Created on December 31st, 2001
Nadia Harb - I'm from Gharifeh el Chouf, I finished my master in pharmacy in Leningrad (St Peter Bourg) Russia in 1996. Business owner and operate Pharmacie Nadia, Baakleen.
Master/Pharmacist, Pharmacie Nadia
Baakleen, el Chouf, Lebanon
Gharifeh/elchouf - 1965

Record Created on April 21st, 2002
SAMER.K.HARB  I was born in gharifeh in 1970 and i moved to canada in 1996 . i finished my studies in beiut in 1994  . i am a goldsmith and i live in edmonton -alberta -canada and i really missed lebanon i like to meet more lebanese pepole over the internet please feel free to write to me any time and i'm ready for any help in edmonton ( i hope to go to lebanon very soon   lebnan alhader walmoustakbal .

Record Created on November 9, 2001 directly on

Mahmoud Riad Bou Hamdan
Marketing, MAH-Group
P.O.Box 8271 - Dammam 31482, Saudi Arabia
Gharife, Shouf
Record Created on December 6, 1999
Michelle G. Hamadeh
Art Director
2821 Gunarette Way - Silver Spring, MD, USA
Gharifeh, Shouf - 1972 -
Record Last Updated on December 31, 2000
Record Created on July 22, 1998
Akram K. Mounzer - I am a professional engineer I earned a Master degree in Electrical engineering, I am blessed with a wife and two children Matthew, Sara and I like to golf.
Computer Engineer, Texas Instrument
2747 Prichard ct. - Missouri, Tx, USA
Alshoof, Gareefah - 1960
Record Last Updated on April 5, 1999
Record Created on April 4, 1999
David S. Abou Hamdan - I left Lebanon at 1976 from my town Gharifeh El-Shouf, and here I'm looking to have some relative to be in touch with me, and any others so I could be close to my Lovely Lebanon.
Buisness Owner
West Palm Beach, Florida, USA
Gharifeh - 1936
Record Created on September 20, 2000
Matthew N. Hamdan - My Lebanese name is Imad. I have B.S. degree in Mecahnical Engineering, working for Telecommunication Company. I was born in GARRIFE EL-CHOUF. I came to America in 1983. I am planning to go Home for good within the next two years. I hope all Lebanese people will soon go back to Lebanon.
Mechanical Engineer, University of Texas at Arlington
7373 Valley View Ln - Dallas, TX, USA
Garrife El Chouf - 1961
Record Created on December 23, 1997



Anis Majid Kordab
Civil Engineer
Cleveland, Ohio, USA
Jahlieh, al Shouf - 1964
Record Created on September 5, 2000
Bashar Said Bou-Diab
Software Designer, Nortel Networks
Unit #9, 250 Cooper Street - Ottawa, Canada
Jahlieh, Alshouf - 1975
Record Last Updated on October 19, 1999
Record Created on May 29, 1998
Adnan Youssef Kordab
E-Business Solution Manager, Great Plains Software Middle East
P.O.Box: 30463 - Dubai, UAE
El Jahelieh - El Chouf - 1969
Record Last Updated on July 15, 1999
Record Created on July 14, 1999



Le site de Jbaa


Nasseem A. Sleem
Business Owner
Fredericksburg VA, USA
Jbaa al Shouf - 1968

Record Last Updated on April 20th, 2003
Record Created on April 17th, 2003

Hassan Salim Sleem - I am married with two daughters Tamara and Lara. My wife is teacher of English, I am very proud of her since she backed me with all my activities whether professional or others. I derive from Jbaa a village in Al-Shouf District. I am very intersted with all the unknown foreign Objects all over the world, as well, philosophy, environment and hidden human powers. I wish to be in touch with serious friends who could light a new candle in my life. My best wishes to all Lebanese who carry the torch of civilization all over the world. My special greeting to my brother Ghazi and his family in Canada.
Sworn Translator, Manchester University
Hamra St. - Beirut, Lebanon
Record Created on December 5, 1998
Nada Aref Sleem - Hello to the lebanese from all over, as you see my name is Nada Aref Sleem, i come from a dayaa calld jbaa from el-shouf district, a very beautiful place, but unfortunatly i was raised in amman/jordan. i would love to meet with people from my origin, and i would love to be contacted by people from the same family too..... wishing you all the luck Nada
1323 Derbyshire Crt apt #101 - Naples, Florida, USA
Jbaa - 1980
Record Last Updated on December 31, 2000
Record Created on October 14, 2000



Antoine Albert Haddad - I was born in Dakar (Senegal) in 1968 where my great grand father migrated somewhere around 1900, his name was Nehme Haddad. His village of origin in lebanon was near the actual israeli border I believe, but I don't really know. I would like to retrace his genealogy which is also mine, so if you do know him or are related to me in any way please get in touch. Keep all well.
Head and Neck Surgeon
106 bd de Cessole - Nice, France
Jieh Chouf - 1968

Record Last Updated on June 23rd, 2003
Record Created on June 14th, 2003

John Fouad Hatem - We come to Australia 1968. I was born in Jieh I am looking for my cousin Dr Moner Chaabo from Barga Chouf.
Development Officer, Unilever Australia
NSW, Australia
Record Created on December 20, 2001


Tony Dagher - Born in Jmeilie', Shouf, raised and went to school at Schneller in Khirbet Kanafar, Bekaa. Went to college at BUC, Lebanon and GA Tech, USA and ended up staying in the US because of the war. Interested in chatting with fellow lebanese, espacially the Dagher family. Hope one day I can go back to stay in Lebanon.
Computer Engineer
New Mexio, USA
Jmeilie' - 1959

Record Last Updated on March 3rd, 2002
Record Created on February 26th, 2002


Carla Chami  - I graduated from AUB in '99 with a degree in Business Adminstartion and moved to Dubai in 2000. I worked as a Management Trainee at the Burj Al Arab Hotel and have recently transfered to Intel Corporation in the field of finance.
Finance, Intel Corporation Uk Ltd
Dubai, UAE
Joun, Chouf - 1978

Record Created on September 4th, 2003

Mounzer Hanna Maalouli
Electrical Engineer
Rosny sous Bois, France
Joun - El Shouf - 1965

Record Created on January 17th, 2002

Bechara Daoud Sleiman
General Manager, CPD
Dubai, UAE
Joun el Chouf - 1967

Record Last Updated on December 2nd, 2002
Record Created on December 2nd, 2002

Ghassan Barbar - Hi, je suis libanais et je vis a Paris. J'aimerais bien rencontrer des libanais vivant au Liban et partout dans le monde.
Paris, France
Joun, al Chouf - 1970

Record Created on December 28th, 2002

Nayla Habib Ziade
Employee, Embassy
Jardins de Boieldieu - Paris, France
Joun, el Chouf - 1965

Record Created on October 11th, 2002
Jacques Jean Boustani
Expert en Qualité & Sécurité des Systèmes d'Information, JB Consulting
59, avenue de la République - 92500 Rueil Malmaison, France
Joun, Chouf - 1976

Record Last Updated on September 28th, 2002
Record Created on July 1st, 2001
Elias Chmouni
Paris, France
Joun-Chouf - 1964 -
Record Last Updated on October 7, 2000
Record Created on May 1, 1998
Warda Chmouni-Zeidan - I have a BA in Law from the Lebanese University of Beirut, 1987. Married to George Zeidan from Ammik, mother of two wonderful children, living in Canada since 1990. Our dream is going back to lebanon, and hope that every one has the same dream.
Programmer, DRS Technologies
Fairlea Crescent - Ottawa, Canada
Joun, Chouf - 1961
Record Last Updated on January 10, 1999
Record Created on April 3, 1997
Nakhle Ilyas Maalouli - I am from Joun Al Shouf lived in Ashrafieh, Graduate of CTI High School at Sin El Fil. Living in the USA since Dec. 1982, Graduate of Bradley University 1986 as MS Civil Engineering. Practicing Civil/Structural Engineering since 1986 to date. Married with two children.
Principal Structural Engineer, Walk, Haydel / Dames & Moore Group Co.
5317 Citrus Blvd. - River Ridge, LA 70123, USA
Joun - 1961
Record Last Updated on December 28, 1998
Record Created on October 29, 1996
Michel Gebran El Maalouli - Born em Beyrouth 1961, technic formation: TS electronic. Spesialisation in PCM in Paris (Thompson). Imigrated to Brasil in 1985, maried whith a brasilian. My kids: Samer has 11 years, and Tamara 7.
Businessman / Imp & Exp, Safari com.imp.exp Ltda
Rua Com Abdo Schain, 78 - Sao Paulo - SP CEP: 01023-050, Brazil
Joun / El Chouf - 1961 
Record Last Updated on August 24, 1999
Record Created on June 11, 1997
Les & Nouhad Bacash - My name is Leslie Bacash and i was born in Melbourne, Australia. My father is from Zahle and my mother from Joun El Shouf. I know Lebanon very well and I met my wife Nouhad Loueyze in Achrafieh in 1988 and we have two daughters. We would be happy to hear from any family members out there especially to discuss lebanon's recovery from oppression and now look forward to it's new life. We are proud Lebanese and are in the business of importing it's wines and Almaza beer to Australia. We take pride in Lebanon's heritage.
Sales, Aust. Liquor Importers
Melbourne - Victoria, Australia
Achrafieh/Joun el Chouf
Record Last Updated on October 13, 1999
Record Created on October 11, 1999
Pierre Elias Makhoul - Marhaba kifkoun. Born, raised, studied in Beirut. Worked with the Marine merchant for 3 years, then 10 years in Saudi Arabia, and I have been 10 years in california. I would love to hear from you all. God bless.
Manager Auto Repair, Happy Engine
1010 E. Acacia #101 - Glendale CA, USA
Joun El Chouf - 1959
Record Created on February 28, 1999



Amer El Abed
Civil Engeneer, Coopsette
Genova, Italy
Katermaya (el Chouf) -
Record Last Updated on October 28, 1999
Record Created on October 28, 1999
Mahmoud Aboumerhi - I am from a Lebanese origin I live in cleveland, Ohio, USA, we wholesale & retail men clothing, wedding dresses and tuxedo also we handle close out & stock items men and women clothing. Contact us at area code 216-861-5558 america eastren time zone.
Business Executive, M & Clothiers
1300 west 6 th st - cleveland, Ohio, USA
Ketermaya, al Chouf - 1955
Record Created on February 1, 1999
Aly Abdel Malak - Graduated from Lycee Abdel Kader in 1989 then former BUC (now LAU) in 1993 and working in the UAE ever since. To those who remember me, drop me a line!
Regional Manager - Middle East
Abu Dhabi, UAE
Ketermeya, El Chouf - 1971
Record Created on March 5, 2000



Rose Marie Eid - Hi I'm 30 years old and I'm living in France since 1989. I'm married and
have 2 lovely children. Everytime time is possible, I go back to my roots. Nothing is better
as the lebanese way of life. Soyons fiers de notre histoire, de nos cicatrices, afin de mieux
combattre tous ensemble les enjeux cruciaux de demain. I hope to have a lot of contacts.
Docteur en Pharmacie
Strasbourg, France
Chouf (Kfar-Ammay) - 1974
Record Created on September 18th, 2004




Fadi Riad Tay - In Canada since April 2003.
Montreal, Canada
Kfarhim el Shouf - 1966
Record Created on March 26th, 2004
Labib Abou Dargham - in the US since 1986.
Palm Beach, Florida, USA
Kfarhim/el-Chouf - 1969
Record Created on December 25, 1999
Badri Salem Abukhzam
Company Owner, Mount Everest Refrigeration. Sales, Service Installation and Repair.
9100A boca gardens PKWY - Boca Raton FL 33496, USA
Kfarhim Al Shouf
Record Last Updated on October 25, 2000
Record Created on October 17, 1999
Ghassan F. Nakad
Arlington, Virginia, USA
Kfarhim, Chouf - 1953
Record Created on February 8, 2001



Charif Sam Zahreddine - To all my relatives and friends - please feel free to contact me. I look forward to hearing from you.
Engineer, Magna
Toronto, Canada
Kfarkatra, El-Shouf - 1966
Record Created on March 27, 2000
Faical Yazbek
Software Engineer, Axis Communications AB
Malmö, Sweden
Kfar Katra al-Chouf - 1964
Record Last Updated on November 5, 1999
Record Created on April 2, 1999
Rachid Iskandar Younes
Engineer, SAWACO
P.O Box 42521 - Riyadh, Saudi Arabia
Kfarkarta Chouf - 1964
Record Created on February 22, 2001



Zoheir Morsel - Hello, I'm a Lebanese who is currently living in France, I have been living
here since 18 years. I come from Kfarnabrakh (Al-Shouf). I got married recently to a
Lebanese girl whose name is Mirvat El-Masri, Mirvat comes from Salima (El-Maten). France
is a nice country but we are looking forward to go back to our beloved country Lebanon, we
really miss everything there.
Network Administrator
Paris, France
Kfarnabrakh - 1964
Record Last Updated on January 18th, 2004
Record Created on January 10th, 2004
Haitham Nasr - Hi lebanese... with all this love and emotions towards our country, I wonder why we keep fighting over it...???
Advertising Manager, Publicis Graphics
Manamah, Bahrain
Kfarnabrakh, el Chouf - 1968

Record Last Updated on May 29th, 2002
Record Created on May 27th, 2002
Marwan Fawzi Abu-Ghanem - I'm a Lebanese living in Dubai since 1989. That same year I graduated from AUB with a degree in Computer Science. But I'm working in Public Relations, looking after leading companies like Airbus, Intel, GM and Sheraton. I am newly married and my wife lives with me in Dubai. I visit Lebanon twice a year at least. I love my country. I am a soccer fan, and my favourite team is Safa. I also like La Sagesse.
Senior Account Manager, Bain Communications
Bur Dubai - Zaabeel - Dubai, UAE
Kfarnabrakh Al Shouf - 1965
Record Created on December 13, 1999
Pauline Abboud - I face life with extreme confidence. I am religious and very nationalistic. I am not blinded by prejudice and see beyond colour, race and/or religion. Completed my Honours degree, studied psychology and am very inquisitive as to how people think the way they do and why! I am currently undertaking my PhD in Sociology.
University Student/Researcher, Bass Consulting
Melbourne, Victoria, Australia
Kfarnabragh, Al-Shouf - 1977
Record Last Updated on September 30, 2000
Record Created on January 9, 2000
Salim Bou-Ezz
21745 Hemmoor, Germany
Kfarnabrakh Chouf - 1966
Record Created on November 3, 2001


Riqaardo Mbaaraq - "Chacun a de l'art ce que l'art a de lui-même"
Artist, Carnegie Mellon University, School of Art
Pittsburgh, PA, USA
Kfarnice - Chouf - 1974 - 
Record Last Updated on August 21, 1999
Record Created on January 15, 1999



Khreibit El-Shouf

Victor Hugo Gosen - I'm descendent from Julio Gosen (Ghosn). He was born in Kheraibé, dto 23/02/1893. His father was Salman Gosen and his mother Yasmin Gosen. I'm trying to get more information about our family.
Bahía Blanca, Argentina

Record Created on June 20th, 2003

Wissam Achkar - Hello, I'm lebanese & I love to go to Lebanon every two years... I love it so much becauz it's a beatiful country... I live in Tunis exactly in Sfax & my interests are music, sports (basket ball) & swim.
Sfax, Tunisia

Record Created on November 10th, 2002

Wiam Mohammed Al-Ashkar - I am a student in grade 12 and I applied for american unversity of Beirut in the medicne department. My hobby is playing the drums and the derbake which I play really good. so if any one would like to be friends with me iam more than happy to be. Peace for all of u.
Student, Sharjah American International School
El Entifada Street - Sharjah, UAE
El Khreibé, Al Chouf - 1985

Record Last Updated on December 8th, 2002
Record Created on December 7th, 2002

Mazen Bahjat Al-Ashkar
El Khan Street - Sharjah, UAE
Al Khreibe' - Al Chouf - 1979

Record Created on December 8th, 2002

Ghassan Hassan Al-Ashkar - Hey people, I'm a student in the American university of sharjah, my major is Visual Communication. I'm lebanese born in Dubai... and I studied in Rosary school for the elementory, then continued in Al Mawakeb school in Dubai for the secondaryand graduated from it. My hobbies are swimming, dancing and singing. Also acting is one of my favorite hobbies that I enjoy it alot. I would love to chat with my other lebanese brothers and sisters and even friends.
Student, American Univeristy of Sharjah
Al Khan Street - Sharjah, UAE
Al Khreibé, Al Chouf - 1983

Record Created on December 8th, 2002

Houssam Mohammed Al-Ashkar - Maraheb to all Lebanese people, I graduated from the BEST school - International School of Choueifat in Lebanon (1999 - 2000). I'm currently a student in American University of Sharjah (AUS). My major is MIS and Management, and I'm in the year of sophomore. I'm from Khreibe' - al Chouf, I like all kinds of sports, and my hobby is DABKE and I will be appreciated to meet with people and be friends with them :)
Student, American University of Sharjah
El Entifada Street - Sharjah, UAE
Al Khreibé, Al Chouf - 1981

Record Last Updated on December 8th, 2002
Record Created on November 30th, 2002

Mark A. Hamzy - My name is Makram Abou Hamzeh. I was Born in Khriebet El-Shouf Lebanon. I attended St. Michael School in Maaser el-shouf. I moved to the US in 1982. I visit Lebanon at least once a year sometimes twice or three times.
Technical Solution Manager, IBM
7 Edwin Lane - Thomaston, CT 06787, USA
Khreibit El-Shouf - 1964

Record Last Updated on December 19th, 2001
Record Created on July 12th, 1997
Tarek Abo Hamzy - Hello! I was born in a smal town in Chouf mountain. I lived there for 18 years. I have been in the U.S. for 12 years. I have a very nice wife and lovely son Nejad two and half years old.
Restorant Manger, Pizza Palace
143 Pine Hill Rd. - Thomaston Ct., USA
Khreibet El-Chouf - 1969
Record Created on February 6, 1999
Ahmad Abou Hamzeh - I was born in Lebanon and came to the U.S 1976 went back every Year got Married 1982 have 3 Kids they love Lebanon they spend Summer's there, Hope to be in Lebanon soon.
Computer, Loctite
45 Ohio Dr. - Bristol, USA
Khourabit El Shouf - 1952
Record Last Updated on November 9, 2000
Record Created on June 15, 2000
Merwan Kamil Abu Hamzy - I was born in Al-Mukhtara Al-Chouf, were I lived unti I moved to U.S.A. in 1977 and obtained degrees in Civil Engineering, Heavey Building construction and master in City and Regional Planning. I own and operate a civil engineering company, a construction company, and a home building land development company. I visit my brother and mom and the Abu-Hamzy Family every year, I miss living in Lebanon, and I am Proud to be a Lebanese
Civil Engineer & Businees owner, Harbiosn International Inc. Hamzy & Associates, Inc. and American Home
1100 W. Shaw Ave. - Fresno. California, USA
Al Kuiribeh Al Chouf - 1957 -
Record Created on February 20, 2000



Jihad B. Azzi - I was born in Lebanon, lived through the war then moved to the US in 1989. I went to school at U of Illinois and settled back in Northern California where I work for a software company. My interests include computers, skiing, travel, music and reading.
Computer Consultant
California, USA
Maanieh, Chouf - 1968
Record Created on December 20, 2000
Elias Azzi
Fadi Boutros Azzi - I am originally from Maanieh (El-Chouf) and raised in Achrafieh (Hekmeh). In Lebanon, I studied at La Sagesse (Ashrafieh). I've done a bachelor in Biochemistry at the University of Ottawa. I am currently studying General Medecine at the university of Sherbrooke (as External Medical student, Physician). I visited Lebanon in the summer of 2000.
3rd year Medical Student, Université de Sherbrooke
Sherbrooke, QC, Canada
Maanieh (El Shouf) - 1976
Record Last Updated on May 10, 2001
Record Created on January 21, 2001


Maasser Beit Eddine  Visitez

Nehman Salem Abboud - Hi everyone! I live in Beirut, I belong to the Hoayek family; we came to the Chouf mountains from Hsarat in Jbeil. I'm searching for my father's cousins in Mexico (Camilio, Salimio Rached...). If u have any further information, plz help me to find them.
Chiyah, Beirut - Beirut, Lebanon
Maasser Beit Eddine - 1978
Record Last Updated on September 16, 2001
Record Created on July 9, 2001

Maaser El Chouf

Lien trouvés sur Maaser El-Chouf  L1  Maasser El Chouf (photos)  
Antoine Bechara Al Choueiry - Etudiant en physique , j'ai obtenu ma maitrise de
l'universite libanaise (UL) et je suis entrain d'effectuer un dea intitule particules noyaux
atomes et photons (PNAP) à l'universite Claude Bernard à Lyon (Lyon 1). J'effectue un
stage de DEA au Laboratoire de Physico-Chimie de Materiaux Luminescents (LPCML) à
Lyon. N'hesitez pas de me contacter.
29, rue Alexis Carrel - Lyon, France
Maasir el Chouf - 1981
Record Last Updated on July 24th, 2004
Record Created on August 15th, 2003
Samir Selim Nejame
Attorney/Lobbyist, Patricia Lynch Associates
Selkirk/New York, USA
Masser el Chouf - 1973
Record Created on March 22nd, 2004
Wally Mansour Viray - Hello everyone. My mother is from Maaser El Chouf. I live in Hong Kong and travel to the middle East a lot but have never been to Lebanon. Would love to take my son there someday to see his roots.
Pre-Sales IT Manager, Witness Systems International
Hong Kong, Hong Kong
Maaser el Chouf - 1969
Record Last Updated on April 4th, 2004
Record Created on January 31st, 2004
Taghrid A. Abou Assi - I was born in M3asser el-Shouf. I've been in Abu Dhabi since 2000; I am married to the love of my life. I like traveling, troubling (just kidding)... I like making friends, lots & lots of friends. I believe in people who are true to themselves and others.
IT Department, Gulf Piping Company (Noell)
Abu Dhabi, UAE
Maasser el-Shouf - 1978 -
Record Created on January 12th, 2003

Carole Fouad Noujaim - I was born in Lebanon in 1978 and moved here 12 years ago during the last war of '89. I am originally from Maasser el Shouf, but lived in Adonis for most of my childhood. Lebanon is constantly on my mind, and I would love to talk to anyone who is Lebanese.
Health & Care Consulting Analyst/ Student
Norwalk, CT, USA
Maasser el Shouf/Adonis - 1978
Record Created on January 30th, 2002

Hiam Michel Noujaim - Hi, my name is Hiam Michel Noujaim. I am originally from Maasser el Chouf but have also lived in Ain el Roumaneh and Adonis. I moved to the United States from Lebanon 11 years ago. We own Noujaim's Middle Eastern Bakery in Waterbury, Ct. I love speaking to anyone Lebanese, so please feel free to e-mail me.
Business Owner
Maasser el Chouf - 1957
Record Last Updated on February 20th, 2002
Record Created on February 7th, 2002
Raghda Azzam Najjar - Hi Everyone! I am lebanese, originally from a very beautiful town in Mount lebanon (Maasser el chouf). I came across this and thought that I should leave a note to my friends and relatives and the lovely people of my town.
Business Administration Manager
Calgary, Alberta, Canada
Maaser el Chouf - 1975
Record Created on January 6th, 2002
Paula Andrea Azzam - Hello, I am from Argentina and my grandfather was from Maaser el chouf. He was born in 1910 and when he was young, he came to Argentina with two brothers. I would like to find my relatives but I do not have much information. My grandfather's name was Badih Farhan Azzam.
Lic. en Computación, Accenture
Buenos aires, Argentina
Maaser el Chouf - 1973
Record Created on February 12th, 2002
Samer H. Azzam - All information will be given in private... because I'm very mysterious... but if I really like you I will be open and honest... by the way I am a nice guy!!!!...sam.
Supervisory, G.I.T.
Zabeel road - Dubai, UAE
Ma'aser El Shouf - 1968
Record Created on March 24, 2000
Nazih George Noujaim - In the US since 1978. Love going back to Lebanon, Especially Maasser and Ain-El-Remmaneh.
Software Engineer
Waterbury, CT, USA
Maasser El-Chouf - 1964
Record Created on August 9, 1999
Elias J. Arbid
MD - Vascular Surgeon, Commonwealth Surgical Associates
3640 High Street, Suite 2F - Portsmouth VA 23707, USA
Maasser El Chouf - 1959
Record Last Updated on June 14, 2000
Record Created on November 14, 1998
Karim Noujaim
Student / Multimedia Developer, Art Institute of Pittsburgh
1625 Broadway Ave Apt #3 - Pittsburgh PA, USA
Maaser al Chouf - 1978
Record Last Updated on April 7, 2000
Record Created on September 25, 1998
Henri Makram Bou Obeid - I've been living in France since the age of 17 (1993). My only dream is to see Lebanon as a free country.
Engineer, Adelphe
9E bv Jourdan - Paris, France
Maaser el Chouf - 1975 -
Record Created on August 24, 1999
Jad Jean Noujaim
Ph.D. Student in Computer Science
Montreal, Canada
Maaser el Chouf - 1975
Record Last Updated on May 19, 2000
Record Created on July 13, 1999
Aya S. Chacar - Lycee Francais, Notre Dame de Jamhour, ESIB / USJ, Rensselaer (RPI), UCLA. Strategy Expert (diversification, strategic mistakes, value creation, and technological innovation). Focus on Pharmaceutical and Utility industries.
Assistant Professor in Strategy, London Business School
London, UK
Maasser Ech Chouf
Record Last Updated on July 18, 1999
Record Created on May 4, 1999
Samir G. Rizk 
Restaurateur, Corner Cafe
9613 Greenmeadow Circle - Glen Allen VA, USA
Maasser el-Chouf - 1956
Record Created on January 14, 2001
Georges R. Chacar - Nothin' much.
Beirut, Lebanon
Maasser El-Chouf - 1979
Record Created on October 27, 1999
Fadi S. Chakar
PhD Student
Atlanta, GA, USA
Maaser El-Chouf - 1968
Record Last Updated on April 2, 2000
Record Created on April 2, 2000
Edward John Haddad - I have been involved in compiling a family history of my father's family. It has been fascinating and a great learning experience. I obtained a family tree which traces back to the 1600's. Unfortunately, I have never visited Lebanon yet and lack much information of ancestors from Maasser pre 1900.
VP-International Sales, New Balance Athletic Shoe
Coulton Park - Needham, MA, USA
Maasser el Chouf - 1948
Record Created on November 29, 1998
Louis Charles Haddad - My family came to the USA from Lebanon at the turn of the century, Both sets of grand parents came from Maassar el Chouf. My mother's name was Khoury (Corey) before she was married. Most of my family settled in Connecticut but some are in Ohio and some are in California. A few are in South America. I am a biochemist working on genetic research with the 3M Co. in St, Paul, MN.
Biochemist, 3M Co.
Mendota Heights, MN Dakota, USA
Maassar el Chouf - 1948
Record Created on August 20, 2000
Rym Samy Noujaim - Hi everyone, I graduated June 98 in Film directing from ALBA (Académie Libanaise des Beaux-arts). I got recently married & moved to Dubai. I work as Avid editor in Rahbani productions, Dubai. I would love to have Lebanese friends from all around the world. I love the sun, the beach... Keep in touch compatriots....
Media Production, Rahbani productions
Dubai, UAE
Maasser el-Chouf - 1975
Record Last Updated on November 13, 2000
Record Created on August 21, 1999
Karim Nabil Noujaim
Paris, France
Maaser El Chouf - 1975
Record Created on October 2, 1999
Nina Haddad - I have just graduated from Université de Montreal, Canada and is looking for contacts in Lebanon. I have just moved in the Chicago area and started my carreer. I left Lebanon when I was a baby and I rediscovered it at the age of 21. I find that what's missing is people believing in Lebanon. I wish to eventually move back to my native country and participate in its embellishment. I hope that you all agree with me that there is still a lot of things to do, and that together we can make a difference!
Landscape Architect, Allen Kracower & Ass.
Buffalo Grove, Chicago, USA
Chouf (Butmeh and Maasser El-Chouf) - 1975 -
Record Last Updated on July 18, 2000
Record Created on November 4, 1997
Joseph George Noujaim - I came to America in 1977. In 1985, I decided to open my own factory which currently employs 25 workers. AND I'M PROUD TO BE LEBANESE
Owner of Noujaim Tools, Tool maker
McLennan dr. - Oakville, CT, USA
Maassir El Chouf - 1950
Record Created on February 22, 1998
Carol George Nejame - Both of my sets of grandparents were from the Masser el Shouf (sp?). The family name was NeJame (Noujaim or?? I am also interested in the Raad family name. I have been to Syria but never to Lebanon. I would like to know if I have any relatives there.
Private School Head, Sweetwater Episcopal Academy
Orlando, Florida, USA
Masser el Shouf - 1944
Record Last Updated on June 27, 2000
Record Created on June 26, 2000
Nick Nassiff - I am interested in Lebanese history and anything and anyone who has anything to do with Lebanon.I love soccer, basketball and play the guitar. I am also very interested in communicating with fellow Lebs.
Mr. Nick Nassiff, Windham High
366 ash st. unit 19 - Willimantic,CT, USA
Maaser el chouf
Record Created on September 3, 1997
Jean-Pierre Bahous - Anyone from anywhere around the world feel free to e-mail me. I speak english, arabic and french. I like to play basketball. I'm 1m77, black hair brown eyes, 14 years old.(this message is available for girls and women only)
Montreal Quebec, Canada
Beirut, Maaser el Chouf - 1986
Record Last Updated on October 5, 2000
Record Created on June 30, 2000
Alfredo Jabor - I'm trying to locate origin in Maaser El-chouf and built a genealogy in the INTERNET. Helps from anywhere are welcome. Grandfather name: Farid Jabbour (or Jabur) Nejame
Electronics and Computers, Brasilian Navy - Retired
Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Maaser El-Chouf - 1935 -
Record Last Updated on April 20, 2000
Record Created on April 9, 2000
John Michael Bashara - Mother and Dad instilled a great pride in our Lebanese heritage. I have passed that along to my children as well. Very much interested in the Shakar family (mother's maiden name) and the Bashara family. Thanks.
Retired Security Manager
412 Ridge Wood Circle - Destin, Florida, USA
Maassar El Chouf, Zahle, Mansoura - 1942
Record Last Updated on March 3, 2000
Record Created on October 15, 1999
Michele A. NeJame - My father was from Beirut and he moved to the states when he was 17 years old. He then married Genevieve Nichols whose both parents were from Beirut.I love the Lebanese culture and am interested in gathering more info for my family tree. I have two brothers, Alan and George. George was from Lebanon and was adopted by my mom and dad in my early teenage years. He now lives in Texas with his wife and has four children and many grandchildren. I will continue to follow up on these white pages with great enthusiasm.
Business Owner, Hair Graphics
224 Springside Drive - Longwood, Fl 32779, USA
Masser Shouf - 1944
Record Created on June 11, 2000
George Joseph Arbid - Architect, graduate of the Academie Libanaise des Beaux-Arts. I practiced and taught in Beirut (ALBA). I am currently a Doctor of Design Candidate at Harvard University Graduate School of Design. Dissertation title: Practicing Modernism in Beirut: Architecture in Lebanon, 1946-1970. I would appreciate any information, data, documents on the topic (architects archives, brochures, publications...). I check my e-mail frequently and answer promptly.
Architect, Harvard University Graduate School of Design
Cambridge MA, USA
Maasser El Chouf - 1961 -
Record Last Updated on June 14, 2000
Record Created on October 6, 1997
Louis N. Massery - Ahlan. Recently in the New England area we have established the American Middle East Lawyers Association. AMELA. We are trying to get all American Lawyers of Middle East background to join with the hope of networking our various skills and offering a directory of services to the huge community in the US. If anyone is interested in joining please write. If anyone is interested in employing a US attorney with Middle Eastern background write and we will try to match you up with the correct lawyer. It is time for the lawyers to organize ourselves like so many other groups have. LNM
Lawyer, Massery & Gillis, LLP
101 Merrimac St. - Boston, MA, USA
Aley & Maaser el Chouf - 1949
Record Created on September 18, 2000
Tonia C. Haddad - Marhaba!!..I visited Lebanon for the first time in August 2001...The experience and people were wonderful!!...I hope to go back some day. I would love to hear from anyone to chat.
Business Systems Analyst, Pioneer Investment Management, Inc
Boston, MA, USA
Blawza, Maasir Al-Shouf - 1973
Record Last Updated on September 24, 2001
Record Created on September 1, 2000
Jennifer J. Joseph Nejame - Mother: Faride Khoury Father: William Joseph His dad: William Joseph Ibrahim Nejame His dad: Joseph Ibrahim Nejame His dad: Ibrahim Nejame Mother died when I was 6 yrs.old in 1956 Father died when I was 8 yrs. old in 1958 My parents were 1st cousins.
Seaford, NY, USA
Masser el Shouf - 1950
Record Created on October 26, 2001
Taghrid Amine Abu Assi - I am lebanese from Maaser El Shouf the most beautiful village in the world. I am married & I live in Abu Dhabi, I hope that someday and in the near future, all the emigrates will come back home so that we will forget all the past and live in peace together and forever.
Junior Programmer Analysis, Technip Germany
AUH, Abu Dhabi, UAE
Masser el Shouf - 1978
Record Created on December 30, 2001
Samir G. Rizk
Restaurateur, Corner Cafe
9613 Greenmeadow Circle - Glen Allen VA, USA
Maasser el-Chouf - 1956
Record Created on January 14, 2001
Elias Fouad Njeim - Engineer studies and living in Belgium since 1975, visiting frequently my family in Lebanon. Hi to all Njeim, Nejame, Noujeim or Noujaim around the world.
Technical Manager, LAZER Helmets
5,Allée des Bleuets - 1400 Nivelles, Belgium
Maasser El Chouf - 1954
Record Created on February 23, 2001
Ricky Michel Noujaim
Lagos, Nigeria
Maaser el Chouf - 1974
Record Created on March 20, 2001
James J. Massery - I am a Lebanese American business man from Pittsfield, MA. I am also an elected City Councilor in our City. I am also Business Development Manager for one of the worlds largest armored vehicle builders in Pittsfield. I am also the founder of a family friendly movement called the Father Daughter Valentine Dance. If you have a young daugther please visit to learn more. May God bless Lebanon always.
Business Development, Lenco Armored Vehicles
23 Euclid Ave. - Pittsfield Berkshire, USA
Alley/Maaser El Chouf - 1960 -
Record Created on April 27, 2001



Brahim Dagher - Born in Lebanon. The immediate family left during the war. The family is now in the USA. Hello to all the Lebanese people out there! I have a collection of photgraphs taken 2002 of Syria, Lebanon and of course, Majdalouna. Write to me.
Systems Architect
Boston, USA
Majdalouna, Chouf - 1973 -

Record Last Updated on January 11th, 2003
Record Created on July 24th, 1999

Jean Farid Hanna Dagher - I am from a small village called Magdalouna facing both the Mountain and the Famous Medireranean. I missed my village, relative, friends and the four seasons with their beauty. Hope one day we will all return to the most Beautifull Village MAGDALOUNA. Regards to all Dagher's, Jreidini's and Lebanese.
Fort Lauderdale, Florida 33306, USA
Magdalouna, Chouf - 1958

Record Last Updated on October 3rd, 2002
Record Created on June 20th, 2002
Simon Farid Estephan - I was born in Majdalona El-Chouf, I've been in America since 1984. I would like to get in touch with all of my friends that I grew up with.
IT Professional
Phoenix/Arizona, USA
Majdalona - 1963
Record Created on August 1, 2000
Salim Assaad Wehbe
Physician, East Tennessee State University
113 elliott and scott circ apt 2 - Johnson City/TN, USA
Majdalouna, Chouf - 1974
Record Created on July 22, 2000
Rifaat K. Dagher - Ahlan, my dream is to return to Lebanon one day. I am from Majdalouna and my sisters and brother are in Lebanon. I miss my family back in Massachusetts as well. Hello to Saleh, Brahim, Fauz and Noona. I plan to visit Lebanon in the summer.
Urologist, Henry ford hospital
5387 royal vale lane - Dearborn, USA
Majdalouna, chouf - 1934
Record Created on January 21, 2000
Joseph Najib Moussa - Ya Marhaban, Ahlan WaSahla... Majdalona is where I am from. Located on lovely hills in south-west Jabal Lubnan and a short trip from the sea, Majdaloona is a small village with a big heart. Like many of Ahl-Dai3itna who are spread everywhere in the world, what we miss most, is the soul of Majdalouna: Ahl, As-Haab, Baidar, l'Aain, SsaHa, Nahr-bu-liabis, Madrasi, Dikkane, Lawz, Zeitoon, Fool-Akhdar, Teen, Mishmush, Za3ter, Akkidinye, Hummaida, Khibiz-Marqouq, Labni-Mkabkabe, Kibbi-Nayye, Makbas, Ras-Kanain, Al3it-Shahla, Sayd-Smamen, Bizr-Sgheer, Arguile, w'Timshaye Al-Khalle 3ashiyye...
Computer Engineer, Lucent Technologies
Hilliard, OH, USA
Majdaluna - Shouf - 1964
Record Created on March 5, 2000
Ghada Georges Moussa - Married to Fadi Fares Lteif, we have a 28 months girl Dalia Maria. I was born in Beirut, and lived in Ashrafieh until 1998 when i moved to Ottawa. Graduated in 1992 from the College Technique De La Sagesse with a Diploma in Business Computers. My dream and hope is Peace on Earth specially in my country Lebanon; and my aim is that we never forget our culture and language yet pass it on and on to our children...
Admin. Assistant, Canada Post
91 Burlington Cres. - Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
Majdalouna, el Chouf - 1971
Record Created on December 4, 2001


Majdel El Meouch

Nagib Nassib Khouri - Hi everybody, I live in Belgium and I have a Lebanese father and a Belgian mother. I'd like to meet new people of my age (born around 1983). If you are interested in contacting me, please do so, I speak the following languages: English, Lebanese, Dutch, French and German.
Wouwstraat 52 - B-2540 Hove, Belgium
Majdel El Meouch (Chouf) - 1983
Record Last Updated on December 8, 1999
Record Created on May 9, 1999
Joseph Toufic Abi-Nassif
Forex Trader, BNG Bank
Montreal, Canada
Majdel-Meouch - 1965
Record Created on September 20, 1999                       


Ramzi El Boustany - I am a civil engineer, preparing a masters in finance at the ESSEC university in Paris.
Civil Engineer
Paris, France
Marj/Chouf - 1974

Record Created on December 6th, 2002



Abed El Kader Kamel Chehade - Hi... I am a young man from Mazboud El Chouf, I was born there. I finish my studies than I go to army... I moved to Saudi Arabia in 24 July 2002, I am a warehouses department manager, my travel between Riyadh, Jeddah, Khobar. My hobbies is the swimming, chat. I am SINGEL.
Warehouses Dept Manager, Saudi Oger BMTC
Riyadh, Saudi Arabia
Mazboud el Chouf - 1981

Record Created on June 20th, 2003

Zaher Achour - I went to Lebanon every summer. I like go there because thera are a lot of thing to do I can go to the beach, to the mountein and so on, all my family live in Lebanon.
Av.monte carlo 104 - Bruxelles, Belgium
Mazboud, Schouf - 1981
Record Last Updated on April 5, 1999
Record Created on March 31, 1999
Ayman Harfoush - Address : Mazboud - Lebanon / Abha - Saudi Arabia Telephone : 03960791 / 072273333 - 1571/1595 .. "Computer Engineer" - A professional position in the computer sector, in a team-oriented organization, with emphasis on computer maintenance and support in both software and hardware domains. QUALIFICATIONS · Sound and proven knowledge of computer setups and components. · Knowledge of both systems PC (IBM Compatibles) and Macintosh (Apple). · Extensive experience in both software installation & configuration, and hardware specification and setup · Printing plate by page pair to CTP. ( plate room – newspaper). REFERENCES: Available upon request…
Technical Computer Engineer, Alwatan Newspaper
Mazboud - El-Shouf, Lebanon
Mazboud - Elshouf - 1980 -
Record Last Updated on November 27, 2001
Record Created on September 15, 2001


Mazraat el Chouf

Lilia Abdel Sater - I am studying MA in the UK and would like to contact all the relatives
living in Lebanon and abroad. Please get in touch. Lilia.
Student, Sussex University
London, UK
Mazraat Chouf, Jbeil - 1975
Record Created on December 12th, 2004
Hadi Chawki Ajab - I'm in Canada. I study finance economic, I'm here since august 2003. I will be very happy when I received a mail from you...
Student, UQAM
Montreal, Canada
Mazraat el Chouf - 1981
Record Created on December 2nd, 2003
Houssam Adib Abou Karroum - Hi, I am Houssam Abou Karroum, I ve been in Saudi Arabia for the last 10 years, miss all of Lebanon.
Assistant Manager, Le Mandous
Olaya - Riyadh, Saudi Arabia
Mazraat el Chouf - 1964

Record Created on May 10th, 2003

Nabil Fawzi Bou Karroum
Businessman, Food Business
Mont Albert-Victoria, Australia
Mazraat el Chouf - 1961

Record Created on November 18th, 2002

Omar Assam
D.F., Mexico

Record Created on November 19th, 2002

Arlette Assam
D.F., Mexico

Record Created on November 19th, 2002

Norma Youssef Beaini - Epouse Docteur Nabil Abou Hamdan, maman de Julie et Daniel
Coordinatrice cycle primaire, Ecole Internationale
Riyadh, Saudi Arabia
Mazraat El Chouf - 1968

Record Created on October 25th, 2002
Bassem Hassan Beaini - I live in the US and would like to get back in touch with my family and old friends.
Burke/VA, USA
Mezraat el Chouf - 1982

Record Created on October 1st, 2002
Miguel Angel Azzam
LAE, Video Estrenos
DF, Mexico
Mazraat el Chouf

Record Created on November 1st, 2002
Dr Walid Beainy 

je suis en france depuis 1969. je suis chirurgien et exerce à l'hôpital de La Rochelle. C'est une ville de mer , très agréable à vivre. On y trouve le plus grand port à voile d'Europe et une grande université. Le centre ville date du 15° siècle et possède beaucoup de charme. La Rochelle est également connue pour sa proximité de l'ile de Ré ainsi que pour ses francofolies. 
J'ai toujours gardé des relations suivies avec le pays, y compris dans les moments les plus chauds de la guerre. Je vais au liban 3 fois en moyenne par an, dont au moins une fois avec ma famille. J'ai deux enfants de 11 et 14 ans. Ils savent lire et écrire l'arabe, mais le parlent peu.
J' ai également des relations professionnelles avec des hopitaux libanais, où j'apporte mon aide sous forme de conférences et de démonstrations opératoires.


Enregistrement rajouté directement dans CHOUF1.COM.
Le 09/06/2002

Mel Sater
Jeanne-d'Arc - Hull, Quebec, Canada
Beirut - Mazraat el Chouf
Record Last Updated on February 8, 2000
Record Created on April 18, 1998
Osmat Zabian - Beeeeeee Happyyyyyy!!!!!!!!!!!!
Business man, Cool Car
Stokholm, Sweden
Mazraet, Alchouf - 1965
Record Last Updated on April 5, 1999
Record Created on April 4, 1999
Milad Abdessater
1595 Henri Bourassa - Montreal, Canada
Mazraat El Chouf - 1965
Record Created on July 24, 2000
Hassan Mohammad Boukarroum
Sales Executive
Riyadh, Saudi Arabia
Mazraat El Shouf - 1968
Record Last Updated on March 30, 2000
Record Created on March 30, 2000
Oussama Zebian
Systems Engineer
P.O.Box:30844 - Dubai, UAE
Mazraat El Chouf - 1963
Record Last Updated on October 2, 1999
Record Created on July 14, 1999
Karim Bou Karroum
Account Manger/Advertisment, Publicis
Riyadh, Saudi Arabia
Mazraat El Chouf - 1970
Record Created on August 18, 2000
Salim Fouad Azzam - tel: 1 310 316-9267
Graphics Engineer, Intrinsic Solutions Corporation
5500 Torrance Blvd #A306 - Torrance, California 90503, USA
Mazraet el Chouf - 1965 -
Record Created on May 2, 2000
Kathy Zebian
University Student
Adeliade, Australia
Marazza el Shouf - 1982
Record Last Updated on November 23, 2001
Record Created on August 22, 2001
Fouad H. Karroum - I'm Lebanese lives in USA. I'm from Mazraat el Shouf. I don't have lost freinds but I like to meet some of my relatives who came here from seventy years ago.
Estate Planner, Family First
1022 W. Ave P14 Apt #1 - Palmdale, CA, USA
El Shouf - 1975
Record Created on March 17, 2001
Joseph Tanios Abdel Sater - I have beeb in the U.S. for the past 32 years. I have two children. My oldest is a doctor maried to a Lebanese doctor from Jezeen. My son is a lawyer living in Philadelphia, PA USA. We love lebanon & we like to visit the paradise of the Middle-East whenever we can. Please feel free to e-mail me.
Real Estate Developer
Mountain Top, PA 18707, USA
Mazraat el Shouf - 1942
Record Last Updated on March 16, 2001
Record Created on March 13, 2001
Nizar R. Beaini
Trade Marketing Manager, Kimberly-Clark
Khobar, Saudi Arabia
Mazraat Al-Chouf - 1970
Record Created on March 15, 2001
Sana Beaini Makarem
Public Relation
Riyadh, Saudi Arabia
Mazraat el Chouf
Record Created on March 10, 2001
Imad Youssef Beaini
Foreign Purchasing Coordinator, Saudi Oger Ltd.
Riyadh, Saudi Arabia
Mazraat el Chouf - 1970
Record Created on March 8, 2001
Hassan Fareed Beaini - I am retired- Lebanese Army, live in USA and looking to be in touch with my friends and my family.
Burke, Va, USA
Mazraat el-Chouf - 1951
Record Created on July 22, 2001
Salim Fouad Azzam - tel: 1 310 316-9267
Graphics Engineer, Intrinsic Solutions Corporation
5500 Torrance Blvd #A306 - Torrance, California 90503, USA
Mazraet el Chouf - 1965 
Record Created on May 2, 2000


Mazraat el Dahr

Nadim Hanna Eid - Hello there... Dont worry I`ll take it cool!! That`s me the Legendary
Nadouma.. I am a Lebanese who resides in Accra - Ghana since 1985.. I am the son of the
late Hanna Hanna Eid ( Abu Nadim) & Mrs. Souad Hanna Eid ( The Titanic)... I would like to
send my love to all my relatives in Mazraat el Daher & wish them the best. I want to say I
miss you guys...
Businessman, Paradise Express
Mazraat el Daher, Lebanon
Mazraat el Daher, el Shouf - 1967
Record Created on July 13th, 2004
Alain Andre Eid - Hi everybody... so... Hmmmmm... you are checking me up...OK... pal... what do you want to know.... I am a physician.. I am single (come on girls)... and I am one of many nut-case Lebanese boys living in oklahoma city... It is fun in here... My friends Jean and Maroun are annoying... but I guess I have to live with it anyway...we party sometimes... and a lot of "mechoui" around cause the weather is great in here... come on don't be shy... call me... E-mail me... Hek... I might answer... Allah Maa el Chabeb el Taybe.
Pulmonary and Critical Care Physician, University of Oklahoma Med. Ctr.
Oklahoma City, USA
Mazraat el Dahr, Chouf - 1966 -
Record Last Updated on November 2, 1999
Record Created on February 25, 1999
Rami El Khoury - I am 29/m/actually in Thionville. 171 cms Brown eyes, black hair. Left at 4. Come back often in summer. Working in Luxembourg country. Done law studies then a business school in France. The familly comes from Mazraat el Daher (Chouf). Like stock markets Movies, swimming, walking in Paris, party.
Auditor, KPMG Luxembourg
75016 Paris, France
Beirut - 1971
Record Last Updated on September 4, 2000
Record Created on August 27, 2000
Amanda Eid - Hey, I'm a student here, in small-sucky-Ottawa-that-is-not-as-good-as Montreal... (lol) In brief, I enjoy art, photography, music, volunteering and being with family. My ultime goal is to be an aerospatial astronautical engineer, hopefully one day, for NASA!!! Anyway, I've been to Lebanon a couple of times and i really really reaaaaaaaaaallllly want to go back!
Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
Mazraat el Dahr, Shouf - 1985
Record Created on December 14, 1999


Mreijat el Chouf

Chadi Joseph Radi
P.O.Box 34 Dhahran Airport - Dammam, Saudi Arabia
Mreijat el Shouf - 1973
Record Last Updated on May 4, 1999
Record Created on October 13, 1998
Hady Joseph Radi
Mreijat el Shouf - 1970
Record Last Updated on May 4, 1999
Record Created on July 20, 1998
Renee Radi Merhi - Lebanon beats all, can't live in it can't live with out. Nnothing is as bad as being cut in two. When in Lebanon Fanar no 1.
Child Care Centre
Victoria, Australia
Mreijat el Chouf - 1962
Record Created on May 18, 2000



Medhat Toufik Abou Ali  - Hi! I am proud to be Lebanese and proud to be from al Shouf area, I am doing architecture, I was living in Hungary in one of the best cities in Europe, and also in Abu Dhabi where my father works. I moved this year to Lebanon to finish my studies and I like it. Hope to hear nice news.
Architecture Student, Lebanese Consultant Abu Dhabi
Shoueifet, Lebanon
Mresti Al Shouf - 1978
Record Last Updated on January 15, 2001
Record Created on January 12, 2001


Abdul Karim Ali Saad - I'm from Lebanon, from al Mghairiye caza al Chouf (iqlim al Kharroub) I'm living new in Kuwait my home no: +965 2652380 my mobile +965 6880855, I was working before in Saudia & Europe I love my contry I'm very happie in my live with my partner my wife: Ghada Hamadeh & my son Mouhammad. Thanks my God he gave me a nice familly.
Clearing Manager, Azzad
Hawally, Kuwait
Al Mgheiriye Iqlim al Kharoub, Caza al-Chouf - 1960
Record Created on November 1st, 2004
Salam Saed El-Hajj
GRP Production Manager, Gulf Eternit
Dubai, UAE
Mugairieh, El chouf - 1969
Record Created on April 24, 1998
Radwan (Roger) A. Saad - I would like to hear from friends and classmates I lost contact with, both in Lebanon and the USA. I went to the National Evangelical School in Ras Beirut, Almanara during my elementary school years. The principal then was Kamel Deeb. Also, I went to St. Mary Orthodox College in Ras Beirut, Bliss street during my secondary and high school years. The principal then was also Kamel Deeb. Then, I immigrated to the USA and studied MIS and Computer Science at University of Arizona in Tucson, Arizona. After graduation, I worked for Apple Computers Corp. and then for Andersen Consulting where I was stationed in many US and Golf Arab countries for over 5 years period. My area of expertise is Business Process Re-engineering and Project Management for the Financial Services, Retail & Distribution, and the Education markets. Now, I am back in the states working for the American Graduate School of International Management (Thunderbird) in Glendale, Arizona. I head their Business Solutions Department and manage their IT projects. My department at Thunderbird is part of the Information and Instructional Technologies and I report to the CIO.
Business Solutions Dept. Manager & IT Projects Manager, American Grad. Schl. of Intl. Mgmt. (Thunderbird)
P.O. Box 11636 - Scottsdale, Arizona 85271, USA
Moughairieh, El-Shouf - 1960 -
Record Last Updated on August 10, 1999
Record Created on August 4, 1999


Nabeh El Safa

Villa se trouvant à Nabeh El Safa
Walid Sami Salim - Last name is Arabic is Sleem, or Slim
C.E.O. Regalito's II C.A Graduated, ST. Edward's University, Austin - TX
EDIF Nabus Piso 11 Apt 1101 - Valencia 2001, Venezuela
Nabeh El Safa, Shouf - 1961
Record Created on July 7, 1997



Ghassan Youssef Ghais - Iam lebanese/brazilian, living in Brazil since 1989 and have my own company "International Business Bureau Ltda" specialists in international commerce and financial trade. I am married and I have two boys, Osmat & Firas.
Businessman, International Business Bureau Ltda.
Rua Bento Vieira, 262 - Sao Paulo, Brazil
Niha el Shouf - 1955

Record Created on August 21st, 2002

Samah H. Abou-Hadir - Hey wassup, I'm a Lebanese, I was born in Lebanon and I moved to the USA in 95, I'm a college student, I'm majoring in computer science, and I like to meet all the lebanese people so feel free to e-mail me anytime, I'm a DJ I love music so go visit my site and sign my guest book, a big hug to all the lebanese people out there.
Student / DJ
Waterbury, Connecticut, USA
Niha El-Shouf - 1980 -

Record Created on February 7th, 2002

Ziad S. Farhat
Financial Administrator, CYJ, Inc.
8 Berkshire Drive - Danbury, Connecticut, USA
Niha El-Chouf - 1954
Record Last Updated on September 12, 2000
Record Created on October 19, 1996
Fady H. Abou Hadir
International Marketing & Advertising, B.E.Internatinal
1462-3 Meriden Road - Waterbury, CT. 06705, USA
Niha El Shouf - 1964 -
Record Last Updated on February 24, 2000
Record Created on February 11, 2000
Hatem Bouhadir - I am blessed with a wonderful wife and 3 beautiful kids. I am also known as Adam
International Business [liquidators/closeouts specialist], Adam's International Marketing, Inc.
Niha el-Shouf - 1958
Record Last Updated on October 23, 1999
Record Created on October 23, 1999
Waked Sajih Farhat - I was born in Niha El-Chouf, I came to Canada to study. I have an Electrical Eng. degree and a 3 year business marketing diploma and a 2 year internet website development diploma.
Marketing Director, Lafarge
Timmins, Canada
Niha El-Chouf - 1966
Record Last Updated on January 10, 1999
Record Created on January 10, 1999
Samah H. Abou Hadir - I'm known as Sam, and I live with my brother his name is Fady i have one other brother name Hatem (Adam) and a sister Jaziba (Jessie). My mom (Donia) and dad (Hamad) are living in Lebanon now I go to school and my major is going to be computer sciences.
1462 Meriden Road. - Waterbury, CT 06705, USA
Niha El-Shouf - 1980 -
Record Last Updated on February 12, 2000
Record Created on February 8, 2000
Karin Mastrocolla Mershad - I have family in Lebanon. This family is Mershad. My granpa, was a libanese. His name was Taoufik Hassan Merahd and your city was a Niha, in region's Shouf. I did visited to Lebanon in 1998, in August month. This coutry is Wonderful. Kisses to all libaneses.Bye, Karin
Honorio Santos, street, number 71A/5 - San Paolo/SP, Brazil
Niha El Shouf - 1978
Record Created on February 13, 2001



Tony E. Khoury
Electrical Engineer, Flashecom
Fullerton, USA
Remeileh Chouf - 1956 -
Record Created on June 22nd, 2004
Rebecca Carmen Azzi - Hi all lebanese pepole all over the world... My dad is Marwan Azzi and my mom is Vivian Chamoun. We've been in Sweden for almoste 14 years now. I've been to lebanon almoste 6 times. I love the lebanese people, they are the moste loving people on earth. I love Lebanon and I wish that everyone who ever wants to go to Lebanon that they really should... Lebanon Is Paradise On Earth. †God Bless†
Enköping, Sweden
Rmeyleh, Chouf - 1987

Record Last Updated on July 29th, 2003
Record Created on July 27th, 2003

Madona Tanios Boulos  - I was born in Rmeyleh Chouf, and I spent my first 20 years in Lebanon, I came to France to do my DEA in Chemistry in Strasbourg, and I am doing my PhD in Chemistry in Toulouse... I like France but I still like Lebanon more.
PhD in Chemistry, CIRIMAT
Toulouse, France
Chouf - 1980

Record Created on February 5th, 2003

Maroun Tanios Azzi - I am a Lebanese-American since 1978 left Sin-El-Fil, Beirut. Would say hello to all my relatives and friends especialy Nada @ Alo-Hayati. Would love to hear from any Lebanese and especially the Azzi's from Rmeyleh, Chouf to Continue building the Azzi's family tree. All the Best and god bless LEBANON ALWAYS!!!
Fire Protection Engineer/Accountant, K M Associates Group, Inc.
7394 Kelshire Trace - Mechanicsville, Virginia, USA
Rmeyleh - 1957
Record Created on November 18, 1999

George Elias Fares - I am originally from a little village called Rmyleh (El-Chouf). My Pre-Univ. study was in Lebanon/Saida (Zattary HS and Ecole Tech. de Saida). Left Lebanon in 1978 to Canada/Ottawa (away from war, searching for new home). Then, I have been re-located from Ottawa to the UK in 1997 (hopping the search will stop). We are family of five and may wife’s name is Nada Saghbini.Education: M. Sc. Eng. in Electrical (UofO).
Project Manager, Nortel
Stockmen Field, St. Michael Mead - Bishop Stortford, UK
Rmayleh El-Chouf - 1958
Record Last Updated on July 20, 1998
Record Created on July 9, 1998
Marwan Tanios Azzi - I am a Lebanese-Swedish since 1990 left Sin-El-Fil, Beirut. Would say hello to all my relatives and friends Would love to hear from any Lebanese and especially the Azzi's from Rmeyleh, Chouf. God Bless LEBANON
IT-Koordinator, Enköpings Kommun
Sin-El-Fil - 1959
Record Created on July 15, 2001

Rwayset El Naameh

Nadim Habeeb Badr - Hey... I am from Rwayset 2al Na3man because my grandfather moved there... but my very original roots come from 3ayn Dara. Father doesn't recall his relatives from father's side cos they immigrated to States and Canada states, but I am curious to know them... all I need is to have re-unions with blood relatives Via Internet... and to know them.Its nice to meet u'r blood relatives. Peace to all Badr members in the world.
Na3me - Shouf, Lebanon
Rwayset 2al Ne3man / 3ayn Dara - 1986

Record Last Updated on October 19th, 2002
Record Created on October 13th, 2002



Jony Sobhi Azzi - I am an Electrical Engineer currently working in Saudi Arabia, still have my relatives in Ottawa, Canada. I am originally from Chouf, Shammeis. Thanks
Electrical Engineer
Saudi Arabia
Chameis, Chouf - 1971

Record Created on January 9th, 2002


Ghassan H. Chaaban - Born and lived in Lebanon until I left in 1982 to the USA for college. I obtained my BS degree in engineering and master in Business. I enjoy dancing, music, reading, outdoor activities such as skiing, tennis, and camping. I love to hear from the one who is interested in being friend.
Project Manager
PO Box 6572 - Santa Maria, CA 93456, USA
Sebline, Al-Shouf - 1964
Record Created on December 27, 2000



Kamal Jamil Harmouch - It is always nice to get an email from old friends... If you can think of something to say, please email me. I deal with Beanie Babies, a product that can drive collectors crazy... Sometimes...
CEO - President, Just Beanies Club
36 Keene Drive - Westerville, Ohio, USA
Semkanieh, Chouf - 1958
Record Last Updated on September 9, 2000
Record Created on April 21, 1997


Robert Youssef Abboud - Hi there, I want to say hello to Lebanon, wishing that all lebanese people feel free one day. I love you all.
Toronto York Ontario, Canada
Serjbel, Chouf - 1974

Record Created on June 27th, 2002


Wadi Bnehleih

Roger Lahoud
37 Munson Street - New York, USA
Wadi Bnehleih, Chouf - 1978
Record Last Updated on May 31st, 2004
Record Created on May 19th, 2004



Wadi El Sitt

Linda Abou-Chahla - Born in Sydney. Living and working here all my life. I have been to Lebanon twice and loved it! Enjoy travelling and meeting new people!
International Marketing Manager, Excelsior College Pty Ltd
Sydney NSW, Australia
Shouf (Wadi el Sit) - 1978

Record Created on April 26th, 2002
Jinane Farah
Registered Nurse, Adult Day Care
North Jackson, Ohio, USA
Wadi El Sitt, Chouf
Record Created on January 12, 1999



Ahmad Abdo - I was born in Werdanieh, 1981, a lovely village with a nice geographic position, the sea on the west and the mountain on the east. My family is a typical lebanese one, espacially my mother who I love very much and I miss her a lot. I am a master student in the University of Ottawa, Canada and a electronics laboratory technicien at the faculty of engineering.
Engineer/Master candidate
Ottawa/Ontario, Canada
Werdanieh/Chouf - 1981 -

Record Created on July 30th, 2003
Fadi Ghanem
Business Owner, G L Systems
Boston, USA
Warhania, Elchoof - 1968 -
Record Created on May 31, 2000
Joseph Mansour Dagher  - Born 1951 in Werdanieh/Al-Shouf. Attended Good Shepherd HighSchool, Haigazian College, continued studies in Palm Beach Atlantic College in Florida USA. Due to the STUPID war I had to establish myself in US and I am grateful for all what I have received. I will never deny my ancestory, the beautiful village where I was born, the beautiful family love, the village friends I grew up with and my beautiful LEBANON with its sweet memories and the aroma of its fields in the early morning of a summer day.
Management, J.M.D. Properties
7930 Edgewater Drive - West Palm Beach, Fl, USA
Werdanieh - 1951
Record Created on January 13, 2001
Farid Assaf - I'm a Barrister from Sydney Australia (born and raised here and no, I don't own a kangaroo or wrestle crocodiles). I would love to hear from people who know where the family name Assaf originated. It would also be interesting to know what the word Assaf means in Hebrew - I know its a pretty popular male Israeli name. My father, Melhem, comes from the Warhanyee in the Shouf mountains. My mother comes from Bzibdeen in the Ras-el-Matin. I would love to hear from people able to help (or anyone really).
Barrister (Trial Lawyer)
174 Phillip Street - Sydney NSW, Australia
Shouf mountains / Ras-el-Matin - 1971
Record Created on September 27, 2001



Joseph Mansour Dagher - Born 1951 in Werdanieh/Al-Shouf. Attended Good Shepherd HighSchool, Haigazian College, continued studies in Palm Beach Atlantic College in Florida USA. Due to the STUPID war I had to establish myself in US and I am grateful for all what I have received. I will never deny my ancestory, the beautiful village where I was born, the beautiful family love, the village friends I grew up with and my beautiful LEBANON with its sweet memories and the aroma of its fields in the early morning of a summer day.
Management, J.M.D. Properties
7930 Edgewater Drive - West Palm Beach, Fl, USA
Werdanieh - 1951
Record Created on January 13, 2001
Rana Haj-Hassan
Enseignante, C.S.D.C.S.O
263 Dixon Rd - Toronto, Canada
Werdanieh, el Chouf - 1967
Record Created on August 2, 2001



Haissam Osman - Installé en France depuis plusieurs années. Ingénieur conseil et contrôle
dans le domaine de la construction. Enseignant à l'Ecole Nationale des Ponts et Chaussées.
Mastère & Ingénieur Civil, Enseignant a l'Universite
Paris, France
Zaarourieh, Chouf - 1971
Record Last Updated on August 1st, 2004
Record Created on July 26th, 2004
Hassan Hussein Nasreddine - Je suis né à Zaarourieh Chouf en 1955 j'ai grandi au village je pense avoir eu une bonne enfance et une heureuse adolescence. La guerre m'avait contraint de quitter le pays, je suis diplomé de la faculté de médecine de Lyon, spécialiste en chirurgie générale. Un bref retour au Liban en 1990 puis depart de nouveau en Suisse mais cette fois ci pour la vie.
Médecin Chirurgien
Chasseran - Dombresson, Switzerland
Zaarourieh - 1955 -

Record Created on May 2nd, 2003

Bilal Akl Sandid - N'hésitez pas à me contacter par mail ou par telephone; Liban: +961 3 549 398; Kuwait: +965 5347491.
Docteur en Droit, Conceil des Ministres - Kuwait
Zaarourieh, Lebanon
Zaarourieh, Chouf - 1975

Record Created on May 30th, 2003

Farid Chamseddine
Ingénieur Réseaux Télécoms
212 rue de Tolbiac - Paris 75013, France
Zaarourieh, el Chouf - 1978

Record Created on October 23rd, 2002
Wajdi Ali Osman
Graduate student, WPI
Dean street,14 - Worcester, Mass, USA
Zaarourieh-shouf - 1971 
Record Created on September 26, 1997
Fouad Mohammad Elzein - I was born and raised in Saida, Lebanon, originally from Alzaarourieh Jabal loubnan, Iklim al Karroob, my family is back home, like to meet new people and make new friends. I leave now in SF Ca.
Dental Technician, Bush Dental lab.
27 rivas Ave. - San francisco, CA 94132, USA
Zaarourieh, al Shouf - 1964
Record Created on April 28, 2001

Village non spécifié

Sayde E. El-Hachem
Boston/MA, USA
Shouf - 1978
Record Created on February 19th, 2004
Mirna Ibrahim Slim - Hi I am Mirna. I am a geologist working as a logging engineer
(oilfield) in offshore Malaysia. Sometimes I miss everything lebanese especially talking to
lebanese people and eating lebanese food spending long days on offshore rigs. I have
many old friends but I, sometimes, find it difficult to make new ones. I would like to meet
and talk to any of you. please, don't hesitate to e-mail me.
Senior Logging Engineer
Kemaman, Malaysia
Chouf - 1976
Record Last Updated on April 4th, 2004
Record Created on January 17th, 2004
Lara Y. Azzi - I was born in Lebanon and studied in Champville and than in Université Saint
Joseph where I did medicine. I came to the USA in 2001 for pediatric residency. I was
happily surprised to find a lebanese parish by my house, Saint Charbel, where I know few
people now. I have one brother who lives with his wife and two great daughters in the USA.
The rest of my family is still in Lebanon. I visit them every year. I am still single. I am
currently a pediatric resident at St John Hosp & Med Center in Detroit Michigan. I am
looking for a job in the area or in Delaware where my brother will be moving soon. If you
know of anybody looking for a pediatrician in those 2 areas I would appreciate if you would
let me know. Vive le Liban.
Pediatric resident
Fraser, MI, USA
Chouf - 1975
Record Last Updated on January 20th, 2004
Record Created on January 12th, 2004
Joseph Eid - But unfortunately not Joseph Eid & Co !!!!!!!
Paris, France
Chouf - 1976
Record Created on February 14th, 2004
Rim Mashmoushy - I was born in Paris and always living here but still Lebanese in my mind and my heart... I would like to know more lebanese from all over the world... Peace in Lebanon...
Student, Université Paris VI Jussieu
Paris, France
Chouf - 1980
Record Last Updated on May 25th, 2004
Record Created on March 22nd, 2004

Bassem Raafat Abou Zaki - I would like to meet as many lebanese as possible...
Human Resource Officer
Al-Qusais - Dubai, UAE
El-Chouf - 1977
Record Created on May 10th, 2003

Khodr Awad - I am a health education specialist. I obtained a BS in Medical Laboratory from Rochester Institute of technology, MPH from New York University, and a doctorate in Healtrh educaion from New York University.
Doctor of Health Education
Abu Dhabi, UAE
Al Chouf
Record Created on May 28th, 2003

Chady Dagher - Salut, je suis Chady Dagher, 28 ans. Je suis médecin. Je serai à Montréal en juillet 2003 pour compléter ma dernière année de spécialité en ORL et Chirurgie Cervico-Faciale. Je ne connais personne dans cette ville et aimerai rentrer en contact avec les libanais vivants là-bas.
Medical Doctor
Beyrouth, Lebanon
Chouf - 1975
Record Created on June 1st, 2003

Charbel Wahib Charbel - Single, funny, energetic person, I like the life and my work, I like to make true friends all over the world.
Operation Manager, International Airport Services
Sofia, Bulgaria
El Chouf - 1966
Record Created on August 27th, 2003

Sami Yousuf Lahoud
PR Director, Promoseven PR
Jeddah, Saudi Arabia
Shouf - 1967
Record Created on May 28th, 2002

Margharita Elizabeth Nehme - Been travelling and enjoy it a lot. Have Lebanese backgrounds as well as Mexican. Live in Canada! Think I belong to the World not to a specific country :-) Single, Christian and Enjoy life! If you know anything about Compassion, Forgiveness, Tenacity.. Why are we here? What are we to do? Where are we going? feel free to drop me a line. If not click on the next person :)
ESL Teacher
Montreal, Canada
Record Last Updated on February 18th, 2002
Record Created on December 1st, 2001

Mazin Abdel Samad
Sales, Rumours Communications
NSW, Australia
Chouf - 1975
Record Created on November 13th, 2002

Elie Maroun Richa - Im 27 years old ,doing my internal medicine in the states, would like to meet lebanese people in the states especially nyc
MD, Staten Island Univ Hospital
40 grayson st - staten island NY, USA
Chouf - 1975
Record Created on December 11th, 2002

Rabih Saad
Paris, France
El Chouf - 1979
Record Created on January 27th, 2003

Rabih D. Imad - Marahib, I've been living in Germany since 1990 and I'd like to get in contact with lebanese all over the world. So feel free to contact me! CU ;-) GERMAN: Marahib, ich lebe seit 1990 in Deutschland und würde sehr gerne ein Paar neue Freunde aus dem Libanon kennenlernen. So fühlt Euch frei mit mir in Kontakt zu treten. Bis dann! ;-)
Finance & Controlling Manager, LOGEX System GmbH & Co. KG
Ingolstadt, Bavaria, Germany
Chouf & Beirut - 1974
Record Last Updated on April 30th, 2002
Record Created on April 15th, 2002
Patrick Boustany - Well I'm born in Bahrein and I came to Lebanon I'm Lebanese of course, life is shit in Lebanon and I'm waiting impatiently to leave this country it's sad I know but this country sux hell. You can check out my site for better Details about me and my boring life.
Rabieh, Lebanon
Chouf - 1983 -
Record Created on June 22nd, 2002
Victor Walid Salem Beainy - I was born in France. My father is a surgeon; he is born in Lebanon. My mother is French. I have both nationalities. I return to Lebanon every year. I'll be very happy to talk with people from Lebanon & specially from Chouf region.
La Rochelle, France
Chouf - 1987
Record Created on February 10th, 2002
Hashem Joseph Hashem
Medical Student, Sgusom
112 Riverscape Drive - Tiverton, RI, USA
Chouff - 1971
Record Last Updated on October 27, 1998
Record Created on October 24, 1997
Said AbouMerhi
Reimbursement Manager, Memorial-Hermann Healthcare system
9955 Kempwood - Houston, USA
El-Chouf - 1960
Record Last Updated on July 10, 1998
Record Created on December 2, 1997
Hussam N. Buhamdan
Business Management, Lifestyle co-op Ltd.
3901 17 Street - Vernon, British Columbia, Canada
Record Created on April 26, 1999
Rajeh K. Chehade
Computer, MTC
Kuwait, Kuwait
Al-Shouf - 1966
Record Last Updated on May 2, 1999
Record Created on April 7, 1999
Maroun Victor Eid
Bolshaya Zelenina 7/23 - St. Petersburg, Russia
El-Shouf - 1973
Record Created on May 23, 2000
Orfan Fouad Salman - AUB graduate 1990 as computer & Communication Engineer.
Computer & Communication Consultant, Ministry of Planning (Kuwait)
Al-Awazem - Salmiya, Kuwait
Al-Chouf - 1966
Record Last Updated on August 16, 1998
Record Created on January 20, 1998
Wadid S. Saab - MBA (AUB graduate), US CPA.
Ernst & Young
1071 Don Mills Road, apt. 215 - Toronto, ON, Canada
Shouf - 1970
Record Last Updated on November 25, 2000
Record Created on November 16, 1998
Tony Elie Lteif - Born in Achrafieh... And now in the Gulf Region.
Business Development Manager, Integrated Solutions for Business
Riyadh, Saudi Arabia
Chouf - 1975 
Record Last Updated on January 13, 2001
Record Created on June 19, 2000
  E-mail :
Sammy Fouad Moussallem
Owner, Via Sam Transport
1425 jules poitras app 302 - Montreal, Canada
El-Shouf - 1964
Record Last Updated on November 9, 1999
Record Created on November 7, 1999
Diana K. Zebian
Teacher, LVU
Chandler - Las vegas, USA
Al-Chouf - 1975
Record Created on April 9, 2000
Walid Abi-Chahla - Volley-Ball, Tennis, Histoire, Composition de chansons en langue arabe.
Technical Manager Video
52 Rue des Monts Clairs - Colombes, France
Chouf - 1964
Record Last Updated on July 10, 1998
Record Created on January 20, 1998
Roger A. Saad - I left Lebanon to the states 19 years ago. I hope the economic situation would enable me to return back home one day!
IT Strategy Consultant/Systems Analyst, Thunderbird
P.O. Box 11636 - Scottsdale, Arizona, USA
El-Shouf - 1960
Record Created on July 29, 1999
Gaby N. Maroun
Co-founder, Cedar's Mediterranean Foods, Inc.
Catania Street - Methuen, MA, USA
Chouf - 1953
Record Created on December 28, 1997
Carlos Jones Assam
Engineer, Grupo Azulejero Jones S.A.
Agustin Yanez 2576 - Guadalajara Jalisco, Mexico
El Chouf - 1958
Record Created on June 10, 1999
Dany Abi Chala
Directeur General, International Computer & Networks
Rue Gustave Rey - La Garenne Colombes, France
Chouf - 1968
Record Created on March 29, 1998
Marc Doumit Doumit - Hi! My name is Marc Doumit, born in Ashrafiyeh, lived in Canada since 1990. I would like meet alot of Lebanese people around the world. Wish the best luck for every one :)
Mechanical Engineer, SCI Brock Telecom
Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
El Shouf - 1977
Record Created on September 29, 1999
Naji Emile Talj - Lebanese single from Chouf living and working in Africa in internet business, love all kind of music depending on my mood, I play basket ball, volly ball, and waterski...
Engineering, Starnet
20 North AV. Marine road - LA, Nigeria
Chouf - 1976 -
Record Last Updated on May 19, 2000
Record Created on May 16, 2000
Omar Hafez Hassanieh - I would like to comunicate with lebanese people
Engineer, Impresos Modernos
711-Chiriqui-Panama - Chiriqui, Panama
El shouf - 1969 
Record Created on June 5, 1997
Jason D. Henninger - Looking for relatives! I know little about my Lebanese family and would like to learn more. My family immigrated after WW1 to Calexico, and came from the Shouf (sp?) area. My great grandfather (I think) was some high ranking military man during WW1 with T.E. Lawrence. My grandmothers name was Najla May Sleem. Does this sound familliar to anyone? Please email me. Thanks!
Seattle & LA, USA
Record Created on August 1, 2000
Bashar R. Salman 
Adminstrative, RSD
Dubai, UAE
Al-Chouf - 1970
Record Created on January 12, 2001
Nada Sleem - I am Lebanese from Mount Lebanon (El Shouf). However, I lived most of my life in Beirut. Now I am in the States with my parents and brothers and I will continue my education in January 2001 in FSU.
Florida, USA
Record Created on December 4, 2000
Darcy Zaid Abou Zaki - My husband has 5 children living in Lebanon and 3 grandchildren. The youngest daughter has come to live with us to complete her degree in nursing. We have a business traveling to fairs and festivals selling Middle Eastern food. We are looking forward to traveling to Lebanon this fall with our children.
Registered Nurse, Maruche
3130 East Weyburn Rd - Richmond, VA, USA
El Chouf - 1965
Record Created on January 7, 1999
Amal Abou-Hamdan - One of Ecole Secondaire Nationale-Soeur Frossine's ambassadors to the world!!!
South Australia, Australia
El Shouf
Record Created on December 29, 2000
Hayat Barakat Hewitt - I worked for while at lebanese university before i came to scotland !i have been here for 20 years! my interests is communication , hillwalking , world politics and culture
Community development practionner, Freelance
Midrow - Scotland, UK
Chouf - 1953
Record Created on January 11, 2000
John C. Lucas - Currently I live and work in North Carolina. I am active in the local Lebanese orginization. We are always looking for new members.
Recruiter, IBM
Raleigh, NC, USA
Record Created on July 2, 1997
Rita Kais - I love Lebanon -- its people and its culture -- with all my heart... Born in the US, but Lebanon is my home in my heart... have visited 5 times, most recently in 1997... want specifics? email me...
Student, GVSU
Michigan, USA
Shouf Mountains - 1976
Record Last Updated on October 8, 1999
Record Created on January 18, 1998
Elias A. Saber - High School Diploma: College des Apotres, Jounieh. Masters in Architechture Graduated from -IUAV- Venice University, Italy. Worked in ART/Kidco Services, Italy.
via tor. di torrenova,187 - Roma, Italy
Record Last Updated on January 4, 2000
Record Created on December 29, 1999
Roueida Ghazi Abouhamze - A 32 y.o Lebanese from the Shouf mountains of Lebanon. Living in Orlando Florida for the time being. I am proud to be a member of the Washington Post News week Staff but hope to move back to Lebanon sometime. I graduated with a BA in communication Arts from the Lebanese American University (BUC at that time:). I participate in the Lebanese and the Druze atcivities in Central Florida. Tell me about u. Long live LEBANON.
Editor, WKMG News TV 6 / CBS
Orlando, USA
Shouf - 1967
Record Last Updated on October 9, 2000
Record Created on August 21, 1999
Dana Kahil - I am settling in London working as an editor trying to do films about libnan il habib :-P Anyway , everything serving our country even if living abroad will be good as long as it is a passion
TV / Film Director, Freelance Editor
Clapham, London, UK
El Chouf - 1974
Record Last Updated on April 4, 2000
Record Created on October 15, 1998
Soraya Gharib - I borned in West Africa (Senegal). This year I decided to live in USA. I'm lebanese and muslim. I love Lebanon et I would like to know more about it specially about Shouf and its environment. I would like to correspond with lebanese people. I speak french very well. I hope that someone will write to me soon !!!
Assistant in ArchiCad
Minnisota, USA
Chakra - 1961
Record Created on August 3, 2000
Joe Kazzi - I am working as a Sr Project engineer in Saudi Aramco in Saudi... Born in Lebanon, live in Canada and now in Saudi.
Sr Project Eng, Saudi Aramco
Saudi Arabia
Chouf - 1971
Record Created on December 18, 2000
Tony Philip Chebli - I grew up in haret hreik leb. , graduated from the university of Bordeaux France in 1980.Currently Working in Lansing Mi.I'd like to hear from friends from Lebanon or from anywhere! I miss lebanon very much,and would like to go back for a visit sometime.I have been away close to 27 years!
Medical Doctor, MSU
delta river drive - Lansing, Mi, USA
El Shouf - 1954
Record Created on March 19, 1997
Nadine Assaf - Salut Tout le Monde!! Je Languis, et Languis et Languis... Alors que celui ou celle qui vehicule en lui l'odeur des CEDRES et qui ose contacter Nadine qu'il le fasse!! Well would be more than happy to hear about you all and this especially if you do beleive in my country Lebanon and in its freedom!!! See you!!
Telecommunications Engineer (from SUPELEC), Alcatel Business Systems
10, Rue Desire Ramelet - 92700, Colombes, France
El Chouf - 1974
Record Last Updated on September 24, 1999
Record Created on March 7, 1997
Luis Choueri Ramirez  - Marhaba! Proud to be Lebanese and only Lebanese. Lebanese rule, especially here in Mexico where they all want to be like us. God bless General Aoun and all the free Lebanese. Pray God the occupation stops and we can all live in peace again with all the Lebanese muslim and druze. Free Dr. Geagea and all the prisoners still in Syria. One Lebanon for all no matter the religion! My parents come from the Chouf but they were forced out by the Druze and their home destroyed, so now we all live in Mexico where there looks like we have a milion Lebanese. We all hope to go back to Lebanon when democracy and freedom are restored. It's good to see so many people registering here but it is also sad to see so many of you are like us all living not in Lebanon. Go Sagesse Go.
Record Created on January 11, 2001
Elie Louie Bounassif - Like to make the most out of life... u only live once!
Computer Engineer, NetStar Australia
Sydney - NSW, Australia
Shouf - 1972
Record Created on August 13, 2001
Walid Hamade - Just wanna know some hot chicks lol.
Webpage Designer
Markham, Unionville, Canada
Record Last Updated on November 29, 2001
Record Created on May 31, 2001
Rida R. Arizi - I am Lebanese, but my father has another passport which is Brazilian. I live in Sharjah I've been here for 15 yrs. I miss Lebanon, and all lebanese around the world.
P.O.Box: 7047 - Sharjah, UAE
Al-Shouf - 1958
Record Created on April 13, 2001
Ali Muhammed Kobeissi - He is the best gay i Never meet in my life. The more pur personn. Always hepfull. i will never forget him. Usa goes with lebanese community and espacially him !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Mister Open sesame
Sacrifice, Dreamer
Long-Beach - CA, USA
Shouf - 1968
Record Created on October 24, 2001
Mouin Youssef Aboudargham - I am in Kuwait since 1979, at the same place and same department at commecial bank. I am happy with my jop, but I want to come back to lebanon soon, but i have to find a jop first, I am maried.
ITD, Commercial Bank
Al Shouf - 1959
Record Created on November 14, 2001
Gabriel A. Boustany
Brookline, MA, USA
Chouf - 1977
Record Created on December 22, 2001
Doumit Daher Doumit
Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
El Chouf - 1947
Record Created on March 3, 2001
Bashar R. Salman
Adminstrative, RSD
Dubai, UAE
Al-Chouf - 1970
Record Created on January 12, 2001
Loulou S. Nasrallah - I am a 20 year old student studying to become an Industrial Engineer at Polytechnique. I have an AMAZING family supporting me as well as very good friends. I try to live my life equally between studying and having fun cause tomorrow is not promised to anyone, young or old alike and today may be the last chance i get to hold my loved one tight. So if i am waiting for tomorrow, why not do it today? For if tomorrow never comes, i'll surely regret that day!! We have to be optimistic in life and be thankful towards GOD who gave us life....:):):)
Engineer, Polytechnique
Montreal, Canada
El Chouf - 1981
Record Created on September 10, 2001
Luis Choueri Ramirez - Marhaba! Proud to be Lebanese and only Lebanese. Lebanese rule, especially here in Mexico where they all want to be like us. God bless General Aoun and all the free Lebanese. Pray God the occupation stops and we can all live in peace again with all the Lebanese muslim and druze. Free Dr. Geagea and all the prisoners still in Syria. One Lebanon for all no matter the religion! My parents come from the Chouf but they were forced out by the Druze and their home destroyed, so now we all live in Mexico where there looks like we have a milion Lebanese. We all hope to go back to Lebanon when democracy and freedom are restored. It's good to see so many people registering here but it is also sad to see so many of you are like us all living not in Lebanon. Go Sagesse Go.
Record Created on January 11, 2001